Danny Ross's new sweet gig. Selling fake art, trying to hustle more people out of money. Ross posted this link on his Facebook. Times must be hard for /u/dannyfromtheshow

0  2016-06-21 by [deleted]


I mean I don't see anything wrong with it, probably a pretty lucrative side gig


couldnt keep away

Welcome back Jew.

I see your desperate need for attention has brought you here again, for the third time.

Let's see how long you last :)

He should start painting again like his father was.

who gives a shit who gives a fuck

Got a friend's birthday coming up? Purchase this lovely piece for your favorite r/opieandanthony autist who believes that Danny invented the stalker story:


Are these copies by 'special' people?

Danny is a fag fag

Fuckin douche bag bag

Got a ponytail, looks like a she-male?
