Would you guys be up for a Crocodile Dundee II viewing party?

0  2016-06-20 by goldstandard32


Online? Yes. It would be so much fun 🙂

"He wants to know if he can eat these men." (Winks)

My Costa Rican uncle would. He fucking loves those movies. I'll give'm a ring.

tsss you cant marrie yur uncle thats fawkin ridiculouss!!

faaaawk you're good you cocksucka

My place, 212 van Dyke st Bisbee AZ 85603.

cool I'm gonna steal your XBox while you're asleep


I want the colin version!

it would be legit fun to do a chat room thing viewing of GAP

I love that movie

"I'm in, I'm in! What are we doing?"

Crikey Diamond you must have a tape wum, every time I see you you got food in ya hand.

In its original form? No.