Chip Talks Dirty to Some Hole and She Leaves in Under 2 Minutes (Phoner on SRS)

17  2016-06-20 by iWhereSchortSchorts


This is hilarious and I enjoy Nicole.


Can you imagine if it was Opie there?

"Where you at with the oral there, Nicole?"

"Swallowing must be BROOOTTALLLL"

Sam is a genetic monstrosity but he's the best with Jim's characters.

Bobby is my favorite person Chip gets done around because he is usually mean to Bobby and a Chip bomb seems to genuinely annoys him. But as far as who placates or bounces off Chip the best? Definitely Sam. "I don't like to hang up on people."

Yeah, fair play. I think that clip where they watch the trailer for that Emily Blunt movie with Chip and Bobby is close to the best Chip clip. I lose it at the end when Bobby tries to make a Chip joke and Chip for some reason gets really mad.

I have Autism.

can you link it please

thank you sir. Now I can loff and loff

They cut off the Chip Kelly in that clip but it's in this one:

Lol Bob offends Chippah. You're a saint on eart

Bob+Chip+Sam is a recipe for successipe


Downvote me to hell brothers. Nicole is awful. Oh, I talk about blowjobs and where cum goes. Yeah, thats why I want to hear a kind of hot woman. Sam was better off with the awful woman from Cosmo radio and that was only kind of good.

You sound inbred.


...and gay? Haha why do you think it's fake?

She sounds like she's acting poorly.

To me she sounded like she was trying to be like "oh lol I can be dirty like one of the guys" but couldn't handle creepy Chip. She came off like an insufferable bore.

Don't get me wrong, it was funny. But she sounded like at the very least she realized it was Jimmy and was playing up being outraged to where it sounded phony at the end because she can't act. But Jimmy and Sam were hilarious.

It would probably be easier to decide if I had the full show but I don't think I want to listen to her for that long.


My humblest apologies.



Don't get me wrong, it was funny. But she sounded like at the very least she realized it was Jimmy and was playing up being outraged to where it sounded phony at the end because she can't act. But Jimmy and Sam were hilarious.