Damn i look good

24  2016-06-19 by Dennyislife


Cool rope bracelet Conway Shitty.

hopefully he gets a matching necklace

Merle Faggard

Sweet get up Travis Tits.

Tubby Keith

Cake Shelton.

Fuck I wish this was Jimmy so we could do "Perks Bentley"

Hank 3(hundred pounds)

Elvis Nestlé

Elvis Deprestley


Looks like a fatter jewish Elvis.

Oy vey, don't step on my blue suede shoes

Goodness gracious great balls of matzah

That would be Jerry Lee Jewish dummy.

This man should never look into a mirror and feel any sort of happiness

rudedog5150 is all in with the Stangel


This picture would only be acceptable if he was standing on Jupiter.

I can't wait for the Harry Connick show to start. It's going to bomb so fucking hard.

You guys down with "Summer Justin?"

all in with the summer justin

Jus' a taste...of the the buffet table.

Why doesn't he have a neck?


Does this fat 50 year old ever take a day off from playing dressup?

Fucking Danny Devito proportioned zilch.

Didn't button the shirt, afraid if he did the buttons would be straining.

He's not plus size guys! He wavers between a Large and X-Large.

Because he's 5'3"

His hair helmet is looking better than ever.

Any day now, that little cluster of fat in his neck is going to break free and stroke him.

He's embarrassingly fat.

heyyy justin, bay-be

I can almost hear his heavy breathing from walking.

That is the best though, just to chill...fucking.

Am I the only one that fell for the ruse of these turds being something special back when Opie used to trump up the tweets he'd get from them?

Justin always looks extremely top-heavy

Whoever his bullies were must have used him to play a combined 10,000 hours of whac-a-mole.

fucking safe space stangel, I gotta figure out how to get me one of those instagram accounts as I NEED to tune into this.

edit: what is up with him playing dress up all the time?

I can't remember the last time I looked forward to a show starting as much as this one.

Harry Connick Jr.


Which fat piece of Jew shit is this? The quite one or the Pete Davidson one? Either way, very punchable face. HARRY CONNICK AND BLACK AND WHITE coming out this yeer! I cannot weight! Write, Knickers!? 🍒

dan soda stole my joke

Nice try

sorry bro i dont have a dollar to spare. go pay that dude back though..

That would be Jerry Lee Jewish dummy.

Elvis Deprestley