Artie Quitter Podcast with Gilbert Gottfried...Happy Saturday Night

17  2016-06-19 by iWhereSchortSchorts


If that is a happy Saturday night for you, you should proba- ahh shit thats a happy saturday night for me too nowadays damn it.

Hahah blah blah blah I should kill myself, got it. But seriously this is a really funny episode.

Gilbert and Artie always bring the best out of each other.

Them doing Robin's news together is some of the most classic radio ever. Howard had to tell them to stop saying nigger at one point because it got so out of control(hilarious).

Jesus arties laugh sounds like a death rattle.

Do they talk about Gilbert being banned from Stern in this?

Is it known why he is banned?

I don't think it's been explicitly verified but it's fairly obvious. He was on a few times since he spit in the cupcakes so it wasn't that.

So what is it?

Gilbert said he hasn't been on in 4 years so he called Gary and claims Gary said they don't have comedians on anymore then Chelsea Handler was on the next day. Artie makes a few good quips. Howard is doing a softer show focusing on celebrity interviews where Gilbert simply does not fit in. He never filled Artie's chair either.

I didn't have time to listen to it yesterday and I'm only like 40 minutes into it but so far no. Artie seems like he doesn't want to shit on Stern and for good reason since he really made him into what he is. I ca assure you one thing though, it is fucking hilarious.