Not being able to buy beer after midnight is the most bullshit law

2  2016-06-18 by JimmysLostFat

I've only had a pint of Evolution IPA. I've only got a bottle of Guinness and less than a quarter of gin left. What a shitty Friday night.


Where do you live? Faggotville?


Fuck the whole "these beers are bad, these beers are good" thing. They all taste like piss and everyone knows it deep down. No one would even buy em if they didnt get ya drunk.

Devils Backbone and Guinness are delicious

Because its one of the more tolerable drinks that gets you buzzed...doesnt mean you would drink it if it didnt, its a dumb thing to be a snob about because taste is secondary to the state of mind it puts you in.

Because its one of the more tolerable drinks that gets you buzzed...doesnt mean you would drink it if it didnt, its a dumb thing to be a snob about because taste is secondary to the state of mind it puts you in.


god damn it

You've obviously never had Maui Coconut Porter, you poor sap.

your mom had a lot of it when she was pregnant, nigger retard

Sounds like something Opie would drink.

fitting username for that comment.

Yeah I guess it is, isnt it

I hate to be one of "those guys" but alcohol (a depressant) is not something that should be a regular part of your life. Be happy, be healthy and God will carry you.

Fuck off

What state are you in? Philly alcohol laws suck so I can relate.


VA here too sir, c'mon over for a few road sodas.

H to the Izzo

The fucking ABC stores close at 9 which is tremendously inconvenient.

Being in philly I was forced to buy a gigantic bottle of bourbon because the state shuts shit down aroubd5 oclock

I'ts 11PM here.

Woah, that's so interesting

I'm suitably ashamed now. You happy?

Masturbate and cry yourself to sleep like a man

Crank = cry + wank Crist = cry + fist

New York rules and Ive always taken it for granted. You can buy beer just about whenever except past like, 3AM on Sundays. Most of the other New England states have some stupid thing where you can only buy alcohol in specific stores and they close at like 9 PM. Not being able to do lat beer runs must be a nightmare. I was in California once and it was REALLY awesome as you could buy hard liquor 24/7 in regular grocery stores. I feel really bad for people that live in states with those faggot ass laws.

Haha and the best thing is it takes effort to find that store that won't sell between 3-6am on Sunday or whatever the fuck it is. There's a bodega on every corner and not one of them is turning down your sweaty bills for a few 24s of garbage.

well Im sorry to kill the haha vibe but actually Im in albany and a lot of the Haji's here actually do turn you down after 3 on saturday/technically sunday. I found one place that does and only if a certain guy is there he does it secretly. I guess its a religious thing and a lot of them actually follow it, Im sure other places in NY its different.

Buy a still off aliexpress. About $100

i suggest combining that alcohol with prescription opiates, some pot and maybe jump out of the bushes and pin some fine young thing down .... usually tuckers me right out

That's how it is here in VA too. Atleast at stores. It's 2am at a bars. You used to be able to drive into DC and buy at stores until 2am, but I think they changed it to 10pm there now.

It's the same deal here. I feel your pain.

Weed is 24/7

count yourself lucky the cunt over here in ireland put it down to 10pm its still fucking bright at ten too....cunts

Homebrew nigga.

Even if they were selling what are the odds they have bikinitinies anyway? You'd have to settle for a sixer of pomegranate beer like a commoner.

Oh shut your cunt, boyo. Here we can't even buy beer after 8PM on weekdays and SIX PM on Saturdays.

12? What a shit state youre in.



Come to Ontario. Government institutions are the only places allowed to serve alcohol and they all shut at about 8:30. I'd happily trade good healthcare and common-sense gun control for being able to buy a six pack at a 7-11 at four in the morning.

Try this on for size.

In Minnesota you cannot buy alcohol after 10 PM Mon-Sat and you can't buy it at all (except Growlers) on Sunday.

I dont drink often anymore but when I do its the high life.

IPAs are garbage.

They're the best thing in the world once you get used to the taste

They really aren't. The Belgians and English have been making much better ale for a very long time.

Nah they had a good run but american craft beer is by far the best these days. Sounds like you're just not an IPA man.

Budweiser is better than most IPAs.


They taste bad. There's plenty of high ABV beer that isn't overly-hopped bullshit; I'd rather drink Steel Reserve than a fucking IPA.

What types of beer do you prefer, character?

Literally any other kind besides fruity flavored shit.

How about wheats or belgian ales? Milluh?

I enjoy both quite a bit. Good beer is about balance, and using excessive amounts of hops with an overly sweet malt is not balance, it's fucking stupid.

Try Tennents Lager it's amazing.

Yeah, they should stop making it. Fuck.

Nah they had a good run but american craft beer is by far the best these days. Sounds like you're just not an IPA man.