The Video That Turned Yimmy Into A Trump Supporter

4  2016-06-18 by MAN-BEAR-PIG-SJW


All Hillary has to do is take a picture with him and he'll switch.

In fairness, radical Muslims have a vested interest in convincing other Muslims that their views are not radical. A roomful of Pentecostals will tell you that snake-handling is actual, regular Christianity, and everyone else is fucking up.

There's definitely a problem within Islam having a higher percentage of radical fundies, there's no denying that. But you can't assume that they're all secretly terrorists just because the terrorists are telling you they are.

Pentecostals are not throwing gays off roofs.

The people in that room are not terrorists, they are moderates.

Liberalism has given you stockholm syndrome.

I'm not a liberal. I didn't say their views were equivalent to Pentecostalism. You can't read.

Does he really support trump?

I think he just likes taking a side that scolds another side. He loves being able to call people babies. I think it was Trump's son writing him back that sealed the deal. It must have briefly sent his self esteem through the roof.

I'm right there with you, Yimmy

Anyone got a video of jimmy talking about this clip? Interested to hear what he says.

Just like Gavin's bit. These guys are being totally open and honest and the media and lefty politicians refuse to listen. I like honest people, even if I don't totally agree. This guy over the average politician any day. I actually like Muslims way more after watching this.

normal people or being moderate at anything

shows England where you get stabbed by a 7 year old of any race or religion. A place where headstomping is standard for fotball supporters. Yeah England.