So on and so forth

13  2016-06-17 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


I bet it is still somehow Obamas fault.

Of course it is. Look at how sharply his life has gone downhill since then. That can't all be a coincidence.

Well yeah it is.

dvvv dvvv

What a waste of MY tax dollars.

dates are getting closer and closer together. This has to be ending soon.

Yea...his last date was what, this past Tue. 6/14? If he's due back next Wed 6/22 - means they ajourned cuz judge, prosecutor or Ants lawyer had legit emergency and they didn't do anything on that day...

Or this thing is coming to end on 6/22.

3 years Probation Fine 100 hours Community Service Domestic Violence Classes

No more guns. Poor poor boy :(

100 hours being Eric's intern. A FITTING PUNISHMENT!

I'd prefer him becoming Vinnie Brand's butler.

They were even tighter in March. You can't glean anything from this other than convenient scheduling for everyone involved.

No no no, this must be some kind of clerical error, he was exonerated a long time ago!

Rich white guy, nothings going to happen to him



Dude can't even afford to pay his property tax any more.

This brings me joy.


My nigga

Other than going to court over and over and over again.

Whatever his sentence is or isn't I dont care. Its amusing enough to see Anthony in this situation in the first place.

The myth of Sisyphus. Or in this case, the myth of Sissy.

*pissy eyes

"So on and so forth. I rest my case!"

"Find me a jury"




Dude can't even afford to pay his property tax any more.

Other than going to court over and over and over again.

Whatever his sentence is or isn't I dont care. Its amusing enough to see Anthony in this situation in the first place.

My nigga