Big Jay's in trouble with the PC police

7  2016-06-16 by Wellshiteinabucket


AVclub used to be funny, it's gotten progressively softer and whinier the last decade. I hope big jay puts them on blast. We may give him shit for using Dave Attell's mannerisms and talking about pussy 23 hours a day but he's still funny.

Every one of their good writers left. Especially in the TVclub part. I can't even read a review of Game of fucking Thrones anymore without being bombarded with SJW garbage in every paragraph.

Yeah. I liked Sean O'Neal's newswires and articles but I'm not sure if he still writes there and it's not worth sifting through all the alligator-tears and proselytizing to find out.

I also like the guy who posts as the Cookie Monster. Fuck AVclub though.

The comments are great. "This guy's a racist idiot and body shaming is not okay." They were actually discussing the "rules" for body shaming to be funny, like the person has to be in on the joke and shit. What a bunch of faggots.

I like this one: "Seal's face is because he had lupus in his early 20's, and there's a long history of people who aren't conventionally gorgeous writing great love songs."

Thanks, guy.

Thank fuck he let me know, I've been equating physical attractiveness with talent this whole time.

I don't think that there's anything wrong with actual hobos, but people that appropriate their look or lifestyle as an affectation need to be raked over the coals, literally.


Kissed by a Rose? Looks like he was kissed by a hot iron to me.

AV Club is garbage. If it wasn't tied in somehow with The Onion it would've been mocked mercilessly a long time ago...

Check him out on @midnight tonight, if you can stand Chris Hardwick for 30 minutes.

No, I can not



Credit to u/sonnystonewall over at r/LegionOfSkanks

The article is still here on Googlecache: Basically, the Onion AV Club has a feature called "Hatesong" where they invite a comedian / celebrity to discuss a song they hate. Jay picked Seal's Kiss from a Rose and made jokes about Seal's face, speaking in Swahili, and a tribal ritual involving a couple of "white tourists in a big cauldron."

The Onion AV Club commentators, being super P.C., harped endlessly about what an evil and insensitive racist Jay must be. Like 400 comments, on saying how OFFENSIVE he was and how THIS MUST BE TAKEN DOWN! And it was, I bet this gets mentioned on the next LOS because the article was a puff piece to promote his new special.

"It's a real shame they won't let comedians be racist anymore." I hope that guy gets AIDS from being gang raped.

By a pack of niggers.

Mel Gibson is a poet.

I want you to shutup and bllooowww me.




The Onion recently had an article "written" by an AR-15 thanking America for the support. I thought they had balls.

Yah wel at least thay got cubez. Zzzzzk

Are you being sarcastic or saying that the onion shouldn't write articles about how mind bogglingly retarded US gun culture is?

Can progressive fags like you and the Alt Right douchebags stop bringing politics into this sub?

We both know the answer is no

Ohhhh fine.

Those fucking libtard cucks am I right


High five man I'm all about those libtard cucks.

I'm saying that it's a contrast between an article thanking people for supporting the AR-15 over the lives of people, and the same publication slamming a comedian for also making jokes that could be seen as offensive.

The AV club is the same people as the onion? Did not know that

that was some good riffing by Jay, and it seems even more awesome when you read some of the other lame HateSong interviews.

Awh, that douche's tweets are locked. I like Jay and I'm surprised he hasn't gotten "in trouble" really because he says nigger a lot.

On The Bonfire, Soder is always cleaning up Jay's messes when he drops a "faggot" or "tranny". Dan tries to play it like Jay is doing a character or something.

It should go without saying that I don't give a fuck what he says from an "offended" standpoint but he's just pretty damn successful for the shit that he's said on LOS. Also Bobby called him something like middle of the road "Dan." It was pretty funny.

Wait until they find out what he does with his gloved hand.

The gay community will flock to his defense.

Jay talks about the fallout here. Starts around the 1 hour mark here.

Funny how the writer prompted him to say all the stuff all the AV Clubbers found so offensive (like prompting him to ask about Seal's face and the "ritual" joke which was so controversial), and interviewer telling Jay it was all "great" and that she "loved it."

Sad because the AV Club does seem decent stuff recently, but they really have gotten quite politically correct.

It's got so bad, Jay "I betcha got a bit ol' dick" Oakerson has become edgy

Yeah. I liked Sean O'Neal's newswires and articles but I'm not sure if he still writes there and it's not worth sifting through all the alligator-tears and proselytizing to find out.

I also like the guy who posts as the Cookie Monster. Fuck AVclub though.