Teen girl murdered by her boyfriend, its toxic masculinity which is destroying this world, i hope this sub is proved of themselves for helping spread toxic masculinity

0  2016-06-15 by AnnaMerlan


Lol this nigga reads jezebel.

Fuck off cunt, no one wants to read your shitty bias articles. That's why you have to troll a subreddit of a dead radio show so you can get enough clicks to justify not being fired.

This should be a rule in this sub

wow such misogyny

Now lick my sweaty balls.

Does it ever get boring crying misogyny every time someone disagrees with you?

Hey Anna, how's morale over at Jezeblob after a fucking white male secretly filmed having sex against his knowledge successfully bankrupt them in court?

Troll? If not, please ask your liberated female teachers to stop raping our underage brothers. There are plenty of acne faced, awkward guys right here to prey on. But they're legal and funny as hell.

Check out her other posts, her agenda is pretty consistent.

Ah, so a troll. Thank you kindly.

Wow I had no idea a sub par, biased article would be written about me.

"Proved of themselves"

She must write for Opiebel or sumthin.

Thanks. Its been a good while since we've had a Jezebel update. For a minute we got confused and started talking about Opie again but now we're back on track

It's getting harder and harder to tell the ironic troll accounts from the real crazy people.


Tanner Flores? Ugh, even the Hispanics are getting into goofy fucking names.

The only reason these types are calling attention to it is because he is a 'Tanner'. If he had been Admir or Julio or Trayvon, they would have ignored the story like they always do.

At least when a bloke kills his missus, he kills her himself. Bitches hire hitmen and get their new lovers to do it for them.