Give me one logical response I dare you, you can't

0  2016-06-15 by Homusss


This is /r/OpieandAnthony. Take this elsewhere.

All of the Milo and Trump shitters that think this is a political forum can also kick rocks

'Kick rocks'

Box cutters and bottles aren't banned, they're restricted. I can own 1000 boxcutters, I can't bring them onto a plane.

Guns were already restricted from Florida night clubs. Didn't seem to help much did it?

I'm not even a real strong pro-gun person but your argument is shitty and you should probably choke on a peckah or something.

Ban assault weapons altogether. Building wide bans do nothing. Don't be fucking stupid.


Except the TSA is so fucking bad at their jobs that banning anything doesn't matter. In test runs at the airport I fly from most, Newark Liberty, there's seemingly a story every other year of mock weapons or bombs getting through security.

Last year, the TSA failed to detect guns or dangerous weapons at 67 of 70 tests at airport checkpoints, but thank God they got rid of some white lady's 5 oz bottle of Listerine!

The problem with you people is you don't seem that given to mathematics. While emotionally arresting mass shootings are statistically rare. Most gun crime in America is committed with illegally obtained hand guns.

Stop being a pissy eyed little faggot and do some reading on the issue.

Also, you said you're from Australia and compare the reaction after the Bryant shooting. Again, do you know any math or is it all in your feels? Off the top of my head weren't about 300,000 guns turned in - could be wrong, but the point remains - after the shooting?

There are over THREE HUNDRED MILLION guns in America and a Constitutional Amendment GUARANTEEING the right to bear them.

So stop pissing around and give us a plan.

So, faggot: What exactly do you propose? What's your big plan?

I'm perfectly fine with banning assault weapons.

Have fun trying

I'm lukewarm on banning rape weapons though.

This implies that I wouldn't be thrilled if someone shot me for me.

Get outta here with your lack of empathy or perspective.

Ooh nye! Ya got cucked when ya wur tweeeelve!

I sincerely hope that you have to watch your mother get raped at knife point you Aussie faggot.

I'm so done arguing with Americans about guns. I'm from Australia, and we were headed the way of America. We had a problem with mass shootings. Instead of sticking our heads in the sand and standing by while more citizens were killed, we decided to try something different. Now I hate John Howard, he fucked our infrastructure up royally for at least the next 50 years, but he went against his own voters for the greater good. And it fucking worked. Americans can argue all they like, but I'm telling you now that it did work. No-one here fears gun toting maniacs, it's just not something that happens, and it's why the Sydney siege last year was so unique. You will note there have been no repeats since then (and even that wasn't a mass shooting, he killed one person and the response unit killed another).

America can keep pretending there's nothing they can do for as long as they like, but the situation is not improving on its own. In fact, it seems to be getting worse, even though crime itself is at an all time low. It's past time to at least try something different in the US. It won't solve all these problems (if there was a magic answer, every country would be using it already), but that's no reason not to try. Unless the US is so manic that the right to bear arms is more important than the right to life.

Edit: I won't be responding. I said I'm done arguing. I've seen every argument for owning guns before, because that's exactly what happened back then. People went fucking ballistic over their rights and every argument under the sun was trotted out. You're not going to change my view.

You sound really reasonable and emotionally disconnected from the whole thing.

Nah man, complete opposite.

Nobody cares faggot.

WE HEARD YOU Edit: fawkin good one troll. Touché

And pray tell, how would you solve the issue here since you seem to know so fucking much about this country?

So you're just throwing your hands up while spewing debatable things and going, "Man, you Americans just don't get it!"

Get fucked.

EDIT: If you're trolling, I hate you more.

How many more posts are you going to leave this comment in, faggot?

Dude shut the fuck up about all this 2a gun control shit you live on the other side of the planet probably never travelled anyway and seen any different cultures. I'm really sick of Aussies getting on their high horse about this shit. Shut the fuck up because your making us all look like fuckin idiots with your limited knowledge and faggot woman-like emotional arguments. Ps I'm from Aus aswell where not all fucking faggots like homuss

Yeah? You come to my kebab shop down kings cross and we'll see what you say then tough guy

How about you come to America and spew your cunty Oz gun control arguments?

What you gonna do pussy? You can't step outside, can't go to school, can't go to church can't go to work without the fear of being shot you'll sit in your house and hide pussy

Funny, considering the size of the US I'm more likely to die in a car accident than getting shot by someone.

Which if either happened to you, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Typical redneck

You're making me wish Martin Bryant had gotten around to you.

Leave it alone duck dynasty

'Kick rocks'

Funny, considering the size of the US I'm more likely to die in a car accident than getting shot by someone.

Which if either happened to you, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.