Happy Yimmy makes me happy, particularly the ending

36  2016-06-14 by RamonFrunkis


Dassafatso and his hand really brought it home.

He got it in the background of Ricky gervais twitter photo too.


Opie needs to walk away.

"This ain't your show."

He's garbage and has no business talking to other people, much less via a global broadcast.

Hi Opie nice Melinda ref bruh.

It would be pretty funny if in October, they pushed Opie out and renamed the show Jimmy and Friends.

Fire Opie. Keep the channel name.


The Neither Opie nor Anthony Channel

Like out the window?

Don't fall it. They're just trying to get on our good side.

Are you saying its a false flag operation?

Ahh cool, you like a happy ending from Jimmy.

One day sans Opster, and the show is already exponentially more enjoyable

I'm blocked by everyone

I love Jimmy. Hesdabesso