Norton and Friends used to be a fun listen

0  2016-06-14 by unclepaul84

It was really a rough listen today. Hearing Jim debate callers on gun control was one of the most douche chill moments ever. Norton talking politics is laughable. He just isn't informed on anything and gets super defensive. Usually comedians are fairly smart but Jimmy just isn't. :(


unclepaul84, you should be shot in the fucking face with a gun made of shit.

Is that a threat? Ban this idiot.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the crib this morning.

a shotgun made of shit sounds harmless, a shotgun full of shit however is quite deadly.

Norton never brings in Opie's guys (Sherrod/Normand) when he is solo.

All comics are dumb. All comics are worthless when they're not telling jokes. If anyone wanted to be depressed and engage the issues there's plenty of smart people we could not be enjoying.

You could tell he didn't want to talk about the gun issue though, people kept pushing it. At least he knew it was boring

Usually comedians are smart?

The only one I would call smart is Colin Quinn.

As far as Libertarianism goes, Dave Smith is pretty smart. That's about it.

Dave Smith has a childish understanding of libertarianism. The Trump campaign has exposed him as someone who just wants to talk about it to seem smart, he's never going to support any real change.

r/Anarcho_Capitalism for life nigga!

Greg Giraldo was very smart Ivy League educated lawyer.

Yeah look where that got 'im

Oh man!

The worst salve for these mass murders are entertainers, on either side of the issue, with their unsolicited grandstanding.

Until ONE MOTHERFUCKER actually completely changes philosophical ideologies because of what a bunch of comedians say on a show, why even waste an hour exchanging cliches and tough talk?

So Jimmy seriously believes he's Carlin now, doesn't he?