@baldopieraqio account suspended :(

33  2016-06-14 by [deleted]



What the fuck is the point of Twitter without baldopie


That guy on the far left looks so creepy. He has that "smile" I used to do on picture day as a kid, where I would just show my teeth, really. No emotion behind it.


I wish these fellers were on their knees in an ISIS beheading video.

That creepy guy was the fat kid in Stand By Me. And he married Rebecca Romijn after John Stamos had used his filthy greek cock on her for a long time.

I know who he is, and looks like a creep here. Also, I wouldn't give a shit who fucked Rebecca Romijn Stamos, I would gladly eat her asshole right after she took a liquid shit.

Pre or post wipe?

Pre, obviously.

Here comes the pre

That fucker had a lead role in a Hollywood production. What the fucking fuck.

You don't know who jerry O'Connell is?

Did you miss the part where I said I knew who he was?

Yeah, sorry mate. He does look like a creep and apparently was very fake during his appearance

I forgive you.

Damn Patrick Wilson is a handsome mother fucker

He looks like a Barbie-Man



Jim likes KISS.

I bet people constantly compliment his shirts because they think he's being ironic

Wait, that's not a BaldOpie pic??


Ohhh no ring on the Opster. Speculate!

it kinda looks like there is a ring

I speculate that you're a flaming faggot

Well shucks fella, you figured me out!

Ant needs to spend his energy on his failing business anyways.

I think that's the end for BaldOpie there are just too many haters out there trying to get BaldOpie banned.

I think the latest and final complaint was from Sherrod of all people, a dude that has Retweeted BaldOpie numerous times.

BaldOpie Tweeted Sherrod the HarryCocksucker vid and asked him to tell Erock to play it for Tit because of Stinky's Debesso call this morn that had Tit goofing on Sherrod, BO (baldOpie) thought that Sherrod would like to get one back on Op.Half an hour later the account was banned, BO can only assume Sherrod was offended because he thought it was his black cock in Harry's mouth or something.

The end for Bald Opie, but perhaps a new beginning for CumSoakedLynsi?

That camel tongued motherfucker must pay http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8095/8481143504_0af763fabd_z.jpg

"You have to go back."

Please never stop doing your work. You're an inspiration to us all :(

But on what grounds is baldopie banned? porn? joking?

It's a crazy rule that Twitter has that you can't pretend to be someone than you're not.. Unless you wanna be an egg. It's ok to be an egg.

I thought you were allowed parody accounts.

You are, but multimillionaire crybabies can get shit done.

Nooooo :( say it ain't so. Once you die the sub will follow soon after

Sherrod probably tattled and showed Opie

next time you are talking to Sherrod ask him what happened. BO had only tweeted once in 3 days and that was to him, the debesso shit must be getting to him and BO was collateral damage.

I cant stop laughing at "BO"

Some go clubbing and never come home.

R.I.P. @baldopie


"Mama they shootin"

dassabesso. just clubbin and dyin

Why can't the rest of us pick up the slack .. All the bald opie pics are on google images... Let's just respond to his tweets with baldopies pics and carry on his legacy

Where is Big Jim Norton when you need him?

Dassaoktho, nigga'll ress'rect like jesusdoe

That sounds more like Drake than Chocolate Chip


I like old Anthony to replace him

He can literally just start a new one and post it here. We'll follow.

It's a game of whack-a-mole anyway, can't suspend 13,852 BaldOpies.



I guess Jimmy said he walked into an elevator and it wasn't there so he fell down the Shaft and broke both his legs lmao, it's such a great mental picture which it really happened.


Won't see him no more (just want to get a little old school on you).



You won this one, bro. :(

He can just make another one.

"You have to go back."

I know who he is, and looks like a creep here. Also, I wouldn't give a shit who fucked Rebecca Romijn Stamos, I would gladly eat her asshole right after she took a liquid shit.

You are, but multimillionaire crybabies can get shit done.

next time you are talking to Sherrod ask him what happened. BO had only tweeted once in 3 days and that was to him, the debesso shit must be getting to him and BO was collateral damage.