Sherrod's got his own TV show. How?

12  2016-06-13 by Dennyislife


Affirmative action


But I think he's white

there's no way to know, I wish he would tell us.

The thing is, Sherrod is way more white (and gay) than he is black. Thats why he amps up the 'blackness' when he's around comedians and places where there is an opening for a loud black fool.

I saw this as I was going to hit CTRL+F to look for it. Jesus Christ.

-do nothing but hack racial comedy that's way too dumb to ever make anyone uncomfortable

-always do what massa says

Sky's the limit.

'massa' is exactly how sherrod would pronounce 'master'

congrats you got the joke

i don't think that was the joke

Ur related to Chris Rock? Here have this TV show

... and have Chris give us a call when he's looking to get back in the TV game.

The first show of race wars they booked Chris Rock but he "had to reschedule" and then never was on.

Haha I forgot about that. Didn't Tit come by the show that day too? For support of course, not to get a lil taste of the Chris Rock.

No they got Colin Quinn and tried to get Chris rock. Of course obviously to get as much attention as they could get for their pilot broadcast. Personally I don't think Chris likes Sherrod that much. He cast him in Top Five as "Black guy asking for money".

Because he's the antithesis of Patrice.

That had never occurred to me but that is probably the best description of Sherrod I've heard.

Blacks and whites can't agree on anything amirite guys? Did I mention I'm black? Blackity black black.

Of course it involves race

It's on A&E. I'm sure he'll be replaced by First 48 reruns within a month.

And we'll all be sure to make him aware of that on twitter when it happens. Dassacanceled

My god, this is appalling.

Dassabessclip they can dig up for the promo? Holy fuck, what a useless cunt.


cuz patriarchy

dassabestshow jussa chillin an race baitin

Wow, a joke about how a white guy can't say the N word.

This is groundbreaking shit. I give it 2 episodes.

This is going to be as big of a hit as Serch TV

With jokes that strong he won't for long.

I'm glad they put in a clip of the other guy laughing so that everybody would understand that Sherrod was actually telling a joke and not just making an incoherent statement.

dassaguesso just sittin and suckin

That white guy was laughing at his joke because of internalized guilt. You could see the sadness in his eyes

Hmm i never knew Sherrod was so small in stature and well kempt you would never guess...whos the fat tongued african american gentleman next to him?

It appears the ability to articulate doesn't matter any more when it comes to TV and radio.

The joke is he said the word "bitch".

Even the other guy's laughter sounded fake as fuck, lol. Great ad.

Harrit Tubmin. Throw some earin's on that bish.

We wuz kang- er starz!