Samcro *sniff* Tits is upset when a liberal is brainwashing your kids at school - does he realize he's doing the same to his

5  2016-06-13 by [deleted]


It's an incredible coincidence that not one of the three non-brainwashed adults in that nonversation can string a sentence together.

They were all probably wise to that liberal shit in elementary school and refused to listen to their faggot commie teachers. Good for them.

You know this conversation is probably he had with his own daughter

She has down syndrome.

Theres so many holes in this that it reads like satire. First off, a two income household became necessary for most people in the late 80s to the early 90s at the latest. Giving your child an iPad is a recent development and follows the gap between children and parents by 20 years or so. Secondly, Joe argues that he is giving his child the TRUTH, which, in his case, is a highly dumbed-down and biased summation of the current political climate. Hes truly an idiot, and it worries me that his vote counts as much as anyone else's.

It's just his attempt to shoehorn Trump support onto his Facebook page. He's an asshole.

Nothing will make me happier if he finds out 3 years down the line that child is not his.

crossing fingers

Everyone knows Opie's Wife's son is Bam's

Liberal educators are brainwashing his kids but in that story it's his daughters hispanic peers and their parents. No educator is, or should, be talking about the election to 3 year olds. Brainwashing in the story amounts to having a different opinion than Joe, oh it also includes those that have decried Trump, the stalwart liberal names like the McCains, Romneys, Ryans, Grahams...

Didn't you know that the whole education system is a libtard factory? I know firsthand because my kids bring home weird little christian color wheels where each color represents an aspect of christ. And they also talk about how they all say a prayer before cross country practice. I for one am sick of liberal brainwashing in school!

What about older kids like 8/9 like his daughter? I don't think any type of politics should be introduce until later

I dont think any teacher has said anything political to Joes kid ever.

"Hey daddy we're having a food drive at school, do you have any canned peas that we can donate?" "DAMN COMMIE LIBTARD FREELOADER BASTARDS!! GET OUT THE CHE GUEVARA DART BOARD DADDYS PISSED AGAIN."

I hope he suffers something fatal, this is enraging to read

What a surprise, this fucking dolt doesn't know the difference between insure and ensure. These are the kind of people who hate education.

Ensure is what this geriatric bald-headed old fuck has for breakfast every morning.

I can't wait until his daughter sucks her first black cock. First of many.

Can't wait for Joe to bust out the FBI crime statistics for his kids

I wish Joe was lying facedown in an Orlando gay club. What a retard this man is.