Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome Table: 472 Killings and 183 Wounded with migrant perpetrators

0  2016-06-13 by bobomobile


I saw Sarah Silvermans sister (@LauraJSilverman) say something like "white people scattering to find names of serial killers that aren't white.." I zoned out the rest of the tweet but people were asking her what she meant by scattering since the last few ones were. No scattering required. She deleted her tweet.

The left hates bigotry but islam is all about bigotry, so they're a little confused right now lol. ISIS break some rules yet they follow more than typical muslims, such as waging war against non-believers.

They think Islam is a race of people.

I'd much rather be mass murdered by an American citizen, or at least a permanent resident.

I actually would too, now that I think about it.

Lol Fuck off with this.

They think Islam is a race of people.