Colin Quinn

0  2016-06-13 by pissmist

sucks ass. Admit it. Give me one funny setup and punchline he's ever had. You can't because he is the worst. He was never funny on Tough Crowd, that show only survived as long as it did because of everyone else. Easily the worst news anchor on SNL. It's like he's a straightman but nobody told him, he just mumbles his way through a delivery and you guys all eat it up like he's the next coming of Patrice. You're all fucked in the head.


I don't think I care much for your attitude.

Someone take the booze away from me because I'm fucking livid right now.

Aww you lil titty baby got mad and used italics!

He's the funniest and most charming of all O&A's guests. He's an odd mix of razor-sharp cruelty, and good-natured self-deprecation. A real treasure of a man.

Did he ruin Remote Control for you too?

Jim Norton:(giving plugs) "I'm shooting something at the end of March, I thin-"

Colin:"Yourself, I hope."

Wow same fucking joke in every CQ thread, what a prolific comic.

Opie:"Patrice would buy a new pair of sneakers every week."

Anthony:"I believe there's an expression for that-"

Colin:"Yes, it's called 'temporarily wealthy'."

Dude colin is hilarious. Listen to the comps of colin trashes vos/norton/whoever the 3rd one is. Best comps of the show ever

You seem upset

I think you are being dishonest, sir.

Dumb motherfucker.

Yes, Colin is a dumb motherfucker. Finally someone who agrees.

If you hate Colon Quinn you hate America! Do you hate America?

I don't like you.

So nobody can give me one good setup and punchline, got it.

He's cancer, kills every shitty show he touches. You faggots love to suck his dick, it's pathetic.

Maybe, if you ask nicely!

one setup and punchline? he isn't a joke book comedian, none of the O&A guys are. what a weird thing to expect.