You Go Girl! ESPN's Rachel Nichols Shuts Down Brian Windhorst After Sexist Comment

0  2016-06-12 by [deleted]



"Because it suggests that Nichols gained her status as one of the industry’s biggest names not through important, quality work, but through promiscuity or simply based on her physical appearance."

How does it suggest that exactly? It was a fucking joke by an old guy trying to sound relevant. Huffpo literally just creates that narrative out of thin air. Fucking disgusting

I'm not clicking on that you homo.

It's times like these that I'm glad Stewart Scott isn't alive to see what has happened to ESPN. Holy shit.

Incidents like this did occur a few times but they were on his left side so he didn't notice.


Stewart Scott was part of the problem at ESPN. He was all about getting himself over

He was entertaining. And brought a certain passion that was fun to watch. When I was a kid I used to watch Sports Center every morning before school. Stewart Scott and all these guys made the sports highlights so fun to watch. Now days they have so many women. It's unwatchable. They read the highlights with no personality, it's like they are reading a news story.


Ugh. Fuck you dude. I really wish I hadn't clicked that article and read those fucking comments. The amount of "you go girl" and "sexist pig" infuriated me. Every time I see one of these Shitpost articles it makes me want Trump to win.

It makes it easier when you realize all this shit is just desperate trolling, regardless of whether the trolls know it or not (they don't). It doesn't really phase me anymore. Adults acting like children who think they're acting grown up. Let them continue making fools of themselves. It's somewhat entertaining.

That comment section is fucking nauseating. Holy fuck.

They are so bad It's hard to believe that they are sincere

This is what happens when women want to be equal but they can't take it when somebody is busting balls.

It's funny because when Rachel started on ESPN she was a dead pan reporter and then she started getting all giggly and nice nice with the players and her career blew up from there. So Brian was 100% correct. No one is saying she's fucking athletes, but she's a little flirty vixen. Or was, she's old as hell and fat now.

Her eyebrows are better than yours though.

my eyebrows grew back months ago, you fucking smart ass.

Rachel Nichols got to where she is because her mother-in-law is Diane Sawyer. Blowing her way to the top would actually be much more noble.

Oh, and her teeth are goofy looking.

Remember fellas keep the banter between yourselves. Women can't take that light joshing like the fellas can, they're sensitive creatures.

thank god shes there to break up the boys club, otherwise god forbid they might be able to make jokes and be possible to listen to.

Don’t challenge Nichols to a one-on-one gender-based matchup with the camera rolling and the mic hot. She’ll linguistically lap you every time.

Who does what over who cares?

Shes a fox, also, when did fat Stangle get that gig?