Why do all the Wasp-looking Italians on Anthony'd network are boring like Matarese & the other guy?

0  2016-06-12 by bobomobile

There's Matarese who looks Wasp. There's the other guy with the Puerto Rican girlfriend. Both are not interesting. Florentine as well. boring.

Bisconte & DiPaolo are the edge of dago looking. They are tolerable.


nice title asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wtf..Florentine is italian and his birth name is James Fiorentino? Mind=blown.



What the fuck are you saying

The other wasp looking Italian was Chris Distefano with the girlfriend.

Ari Shaffir true-jew looking is great. Joe List jew-looking is great.

Normand sucks. Not jew looking enough.

Mike Finoia sucks.

The 2 fat dagos with white skin, Amico & the Greek from The Wire/Baltimore they are not funny.

Aaron Berg is is an exception. He is good.

For the same reason the British people dominated the world while the Italians, post Rome, dominated the kitchen.

Also for the same reason the Latin cultures dive when they play soccer and it's frowned upon in England.


and it's frowned upon in England.

And yet they still do it.

No they don't. Foreign players will but I've been a football fan all my life and I couldn't name even 1 Anglo that was a regular simulator.

Maybe there are a few but I know from personal experience that it's nearly universally loathed as a habit in Britain.

1 Anglo that was a regular simulator.

You're not British are you?

Ashley Young is a regular diver who plays for England. Lampard, Beckham, Gerrard, Welbeck and Rooney. They've all done it. Players that run at defenders and are always more likely to do it.

Here's Gary Neville defending the fine art of diving featuring many fine "Anglos"

Why is diving by English footballers so often overlooked?

Bale is big diver also but he doess't play for the Anglos...

Lampard, Beckham and Rooney the Anglo-Saxons in your list aren't divers. Never were. You missed my point, Joey, regarding racial characteristics and high trust vs low trust.

Just getting fouled doesn't mean someone is a regular simulator that attempts to routinely deceive the referee to achieve a result.

Regarding your video - I'm assuming you didn't actually watch it because it confirms nearly everything I'm saying and you're not a moron, right??? - a few things:

Neville implies that the Italians will eat the ROI defender alive because they're expert divers. Oh shit, wasn't that the point I originally made, Joey?

Neville EXPLICITLY says that Young - not an Anglo by the way - 'made the most of it'. Why would you post a video that entirely supports my position, Joey?

Young is black so you are missing my point. I'm trying to point out the link between low-trust people and diving.

Neville says that people at United will probably take Young to task because of his simulation. Again, why would you post this, Joey? Are you a fucking idiot or summin?

NEville actually describes an incident where another Latin guy, CR7, completely discredited the club by going down easy when they 3-0 up against Charlton. Again, did you fucking watch the video you little faggot or did you just read the title?

LOL Neville actually says 'We have a new [foreign] culture coming in and changing the game' in regard to diving around 10:30 you fucking Gumby. Thanks for posting a video that COMPLETELY backs up everything I'm saying.

Fuck you, Joey.

Lampard, Beckham, Gerrand and Rooney are absolutely divers. Who the fuck know what you mean by Anglo when you include Rooney as an Anglo-Saxon rather than a Celt.

You say Beckham and Lampard aren't divers and that you watched the video? Why did you say this? Beckham's is particularly treacherous attemtp to deceive the ref. He litterly wasn't touch, jumped on the ground himself and starts waving at the ref for a penalty.

I never said others don't do, I just showed that the English do do it. They all just blame Latin players for bringing in this culture but my whole life they just pretend when they dive it's not a dive.

I've seen them my whole pretend that they're above it, they're not.

It's not called Perfidious Albion for no reason.

1 Anglo that was a regular simulator.

You're not British are you?

Ashley Young is a regular diver who plays for England. Lampard, Beckham, Gerrard, Welbeck and Rooney. They've all done it. Players that run at defenders and are always more likely to do it.

Here's Gary Neville defending the fine art of diving featuring many fine "Anglos"

Why is diving by English footballers so often overlooked?

Bale is big diver also but he doess't play for the Anglos...