Which episode of the opie and anthony podcast is the shit episode?

0  2016-06-12 by KinksterLV

which one? link?


If it was a joke that someone was supposed to answer with "all of them", it was such a god-awful slow pitch that no one would want to swing. All it raises is the desire to spit and piss at it before shoving it down your throat.

If it's some kind of serious question, your communication skills are so terrible you deserve to have a pissy, saliva-y softball shoved down your throat.

Three questions, and they're all essentially the same.

Fuck off.

dude, what the fuck?

Allow me to rephrase, in case you didn't get it. Fuck off, you should-have-been-a-period tard.

What is with the hostility here?

Mummy never loved me and daddy loved me too much. Fuck off.