"since I cannot possibly ignore the squirrels running around in my cranial cage" - WTF is he smoking?

2  2016-06-11 by [deleted]


This guy gets his news and frame of reference of life from Facebook and memes. Go outside Joe.. Look around. The world you describe is not happening.. Everything is okay. Just live your life you fucking idiot.

People like Joe are panicking. They see another Democrat about to stroll into the whitehouse basically unopposed. Never mind that the economy has come back from the brink, or that we actually managed to kill Bin Laden. Obamacare actually makes these "freeloaders" he hates so much pay for insurance. I still have my guns, Obama never got them. Though somehow he sees us in a crisis. He is an ignorant fuckhead.

Lets hope he tries shooting that squirrel. Soon.

"A poker room"??? He really is fucking retarded.


Hopefully he's referring to a brain tumor.

ooh a cliffhanger