What's great about this sub is that I can be entertained by the O&J show without having to suffer the O&J show.

94  2016-06-11 by piggyboi

For example: "Dassabesso." I didn't know who Sherrod was, and have never listened to his "comedy." However, by frequenting this sub, he's made me laugh for hours, which apparently is the opposite of what would happen if I actually listened to him.


This sub has been better than O&J and O&A for years

When was it better than O&A?

The last 2 years of O&A were majorly each of them staring at their phones, whatever pissed Ant off, and fluff stories from Opie. It was only good when they had a good guest, Jocktober or Ant & Jim felt like looking at each other.

it was a strange feeling the first time i changed the channel because ant sounded too racist to me. we get it, you hate blacks.we heard you.

My pleasure.

I still love you, you Welsh? Cunt

Welsh? I'm Brasilian. Go Rio 2016.


I would have guessed Welsh too

I don't welsh on nuthin

I know a few Welsh people, every single one of them would happily name their cat 'Mrs Poo'

Sherrod is the hackiest comic of all time. He has annoying over inflated self confidence cause his entire life he's been Chris Rocks cousin and now he's friends with Metzger and O&J so he has a successful podcast and frequents the second biggest radio show ever in spite of his hackiness and idiotic brain. He truly is the worst guest ever. Not only is he not funny but he thinks he's smart. He also often claims that he once saw this sub but never told Kurt cause he didn't want him to see the "awful, horrible, racist ways here", but in reality he's embarrassed cause this place nails him on the head and points out how terrible he is. I've heard him tell this to Kirt several times, claiming that he wanted to save Kurts fragile eyes and ears from this "racist" place.

Dassaddresseddoe, jussmolehillsanfuckin...

So basically a black Opie? Great...

You're mother the hackiest.

What's great about this sub

Would you say it's the best, though?

This sub is an unending Jocktober.

your enjoyment comes at the expense of a great many peoples sanity

Nevwr hav to listen fa lalalala

Jesus Christ guys it was just a joke. Cool it with the down votes, please.

aren't you the douche that accused Soder, an established comic, of stealing your shitty twitter joke?

Haha what a dickbag, thank you for the source material

A joke to you is serious business for me

if u dont listen to the opie show ever day but you frequent here, you are a legit autistic fuck boy/potential mass shooter

Says the guy who's practically brain dead from xanax. Wonky eyed fuckin loser.

Oh it's the barred out dead eye loser from twitter. There's no hope for him.

*wobbly eyed faggot


Why are u linking that to me, fag?

because of how awful he is and the beating he gets in that thread is kind of funny

Ok, sorry.

This coming from the guy who said:

Sherrod talks a lot, but with direction hes actually not that bad.

"autistic fuck boy/potential mass shooter"

Fam...you're modeling your behavior after racist old men and pedophiles. You are not superior to anyone in this sub because you listen to doddering old drunks while we just make fun of them.





You are the ugliest man I've ever seen.


So we're all Adam Lanza.

If you can stand the Opie show you have problems

It's easy listening. Even if it's bland