Mark Normand: "I prefaced it saying this is kind of a Tucker Max-y story, because I don't know any of his stuff. I've never read it or listened to him."

21  2016-06-11 by [deleted]


In the show where he first told that fucking story he said "My friend is a kind of Tucker Max guy" now he says he first prefaced it saying the story is Tucker Max-y, but then he says he's not familiar with him at all?

Then how the fuck does he know what Tucker does if he's never read him or listened to him? Then Mark is intimately familiar with the entire Tucker Max story, all its details, despite only hearing it once told poorly and extemporaneously in chunks.

Jim goes "We all bullshit a little bit on the radio" and Opie defensively goes "I think we tell pretty true stories."

Then Jimmy throughout the clip I linked says "we all exaggerate a little bit" and Opie the liar keeps going "No, no, we don't really do that, we're honest here. You can tell when someone is making up a story or exaggerating details."

Opie really is psychopathic in his ability to bullshit. Does he feel no fucking embarrassment?

More lies from radio guy! More lies and the lying liars who tell them!

Jim goes "We all bullshit a little bit on the radio" and Opie defensively goes "I think we tell pretty true stories."


Jim goes "We all bullshit a little bit on the radio" and Opie defensively goes "I think we tell pretty true stories." Then Jimmy throughout the clip I linked says "we all exaggerate a little bit" and Opie the liar keeps going "No, no, we don't really do that, we're honest here. You can tell when someone is making up a story or exaggerating details."

And this is the same asshole who always says that he "pumps things up for the radio a lil' bit."

There are so many layers to these lies. So many pointless, stupid layers.

It's the pointless bit that drives me crackers

Yeah he doesn't shit in the surf and wipe his asshole clean in the water, he just saw his son to it once.

I fucking hate Opie. This is the same cunt who will piss on the toilet seat instead of lift it up, then use his fucking sock to clean up his piss. So this tard walks around with pissy socks.



Makes perfect sense. I always describe things using references to stuff I've never encountered or understand.

A coworker of mine was going on about the Jews last week, I told him tone down the Mel Gibson act, but only because I've never heard of Mel Gibson and have no notion of his past behavior.

the Jews

A Mel Gibson-y friend of mine told me they're responsible for all the wars in the world.

I wouldn't know - I've never heard of him or seen the movies he's starred in as an actor.

I don't watch comics because I don't want to be influenced.

He probably heard the story a while ago, but forgot about it. Dassaguesso

Mark Normand sounds like Jim Florentine in transition

Mark's hilarious, but his lying is bizarre. He keeps leaning on the fact that there was no shitting or puking, only a camera. No you psychopath, there was a guy falling out of a closet during sex and embarrassing a slut. That's the link.

Apparently there are tens of thousands of guys out there looking for ways to enhance the ol' Walk Of Shame. They need to stop.

Unless we're talking about 1998 or earlier, there's not even a need to have someone film it. They've been making cameras small enough to keep on your dresser without anybody noticing since 1999 and they've been standard for quite some time. Max is 40, Normand is 32. I can maybe buy Max having nothing but a larger VHS camera 20 years ago, but no way for Normand.

Good observation!


I'm actually starting to wonder if it was his way of telling opie "here comes some of that bullshit you told me to throw out there". Or better yet, his way of telling us.

I think it makes sense because it's all such a bad fit for a guy like Normand. Opie's "reinventing" himself and his show, Sherrod's kamikaze approach to being the black Opie. I think there might be a lot of vurry interesting off-mic conversations going on.

Vurry good

I was hoping for that as well, but no. Apparently Mark Normand is a bit of a Jonathan Nelson type of guy. Not that I have any idea of who that is.

What's his excuse for using Norm Macdonald's voice?

It's like if norm fucked Kermit the frog or some shit

He's a fucking hack, the love he gets on here is sickening.

"got a little heat for that there markieeeee?

tonnes of heaaaattttt!"

why don't they make Zyklon-B anymore?

love that moment around 3:20 where Opie for the infinite time unkbowingly just bulldozes over Jim's joke.


bunch of fucking liars

Dassebessdo.. juss lyin' about fuckin'

politicians lie about invading other countries, comedians lie about getting laid.

Honestly I don't think he stole anything but I enjoy the drama.

That's a silly opinion. +1