Sherrod small has tweeted more times than he has actual followers

12  2016-06-11 by olebillyredface28


44k followers and always pushing his shorredstwitterarmy hashtag, yet constantly gets a dismal response on everything he posts on twitter. It's almost as embarrassing as Opie's twitter.

The Salvation Army Twitter has more followers.

I waiting for the Segregation Army.

Your mother's house? Really? He has the humor of a fucking middle schooler.

That's what I truly despise about this fucking phony... He's just not even the slightest bit funny.

"Oh yea, your Mother" - Sherrod Smalls, 2016

Ugh why are these faggot so obsessed with Twitter

This is one thing that Howard gets right:

"I talk on the air for four hours a day. How much more attention do I really need? How pathetic and needy for approval would I have to be to spend the rest of my day tweeting?"

what a huge faggot

All those credits, and the only thing anyone will remember him for is dassabesso

Dassa besdo niggas rememberin you for sucking and chillin and fuck em



Dissubdabesso fawkinmakefunofsherrodinchillen.

Judging by the amount of people he follows, also looks like he spent his early Twitter career being an "I'll follow you back" faggot like a true zero

lol he's following 15,000 people

Sherrod's Twitter "ARMY"

Following 14,000 people. How can you keep track of who's tweeting what at that point?

Awake for 16 hours a day. That's around one tweet every hour for 7.5 years. Not sure how long he's been on twitter though. These are grown ups.

That's what I truly despise about this fucking phony... He's just not even the slightest bit funny.

"Oh yea, your Mother" - Sherrod Smalls, 2016

Dassa besdo niggas rememberin you for sucking and chillin and fuck em