Breuer posted the philly thrashing crew...

63  2016-06-11 by bdizzle45


HOLY SHIT this is hilarious

sniff I guess Breuer is now going after me and my family? He knows damn well what those Haters have done to my in laws.

Opieradio has taken it down

outrageous - how many youtube clips has he stolen for his fucking milquetoast show?

I'm starting to think Opie is a thin-skinned queeb.

Just a hunch though.

Jim Breuer is not a smart man

That's great. Enjoy it before Tits makes a phonecall to Breuer demanding he takes it down.

''vid removed due to copyright request from opieradio'' is what you actually see now if you click the video

I'm fuckin howling. He'll be so pissed.

So does Opie browse this fucking sub or not? All signs point to yes, but he doesn't learn from it at all. Does he just look at hundreds of posts about how he sucks, and then continue to do the same exact things that make him suck?

He might, but my money is on "his guys" who are probably sitting around reading shit on the internet in between giving the opester handjobs.

You know how he can't do shit w/out "his guys"

Damn he's so psyched about it, haha can't wait till Opie informs him

have to give breuer respect here...

meanwhile, how is sherrod responding to dassabesso in the worst possible way?

The comedy store retweeted the video of dassabesso remix with him tagged so I know he's seen it

dassabesso is all over sherrod's twitter-- he's blocked people over it, calling it "boring"

That's what "comedians" say when they don't know how to respond

What do you expesdoe? We're just civilians.


Ooohhh no. He called it a pre-wedding THRASH!!!!

Owh nay

dassabess post

Question is will Breuer take it good naturedly and laugh at being goofed on like you would hope a comedian would? Or will he go into baby boy entitled cunt Jimmy Norton mode or even worse prima donna Kurt Metzger mode?

That's all they have to say, but most never do. He still sucks, but because he's taking it like a good sport I've lost the urge to see him cry now.

Breuer is a good egg. I'll buy his next comedy album for that. Can't bring myself to buy Dad Metal.

Even though it has kind of been made into a meme on here, "take the hit" is almost always the correct response getting to zinged real good. Or you could do a rail of coke and let everyone know how mad you are 140 characters at a time.



Frederica Bimmel is a good egg

What was the video of? It's gone now

Someone put one of breuers metal songs to the philly crew video.

This fucking turned me.

I like the song (and Breuer) now, it's not hurting anyone. He really is a dad who wants to thrash, it's not fake. DOWN GOES GARAGE DOOR

WTF, you liked this horseshit? Liked it?

On musical, conceptual, and comedic levels I was utterly disgusted with every facet of Breuer's music.


stop trying to save yourself

Yoooo hooo, philly crew...