Watched Jim Norton's Chip Chipperson animations last night for the first time...

1  2016-06-11 by [deleted]

Ooof. It's painfully bad. Like, what the fuck are you thinking aside from sleeping with Jennifer Carmody bad? I know guys who religiously watch Cartoon Network for their late night programming. I don't get it, but it there are parts that are relatively funny.

This is in complete contrast to Jim Norton going to Comic-Con and playing Chip Chipperson with someone filming. Or Jimmy riffing with a Cleveland limo driver as Chip. It was a weird Insomniac with Dave Attell kind of funny.

Who the fuck gave him funding to produce Chip Chipperson as a cartoon initially? Even worse, who gave him money to produce more of that shitty cartoon?


Build a fucking time machine, go back and post this because youre really fucking late to the party

/u/chipchippersonrules has a monopoly on this.

"I love chip chipperson this is my show and it's fawking hilarious, just riffing guys can't wait for episode 3 :)"

Came for the dassabesso, was disappointed.

This guy shit on Patti, he's trash in my book.

Well even if I did shit on her, which I didn't, it isn't like this collection of mongoloids hasn't laughed at her expense for years.

Yes, God forbid a woman with a master's degree finds a full time job or gets the psychological help she needs. Just throw Patti $3500. That helps. I'm sure it will be put to good use, she won't come begging again in six months.

A woman with a master's degree. Huh. She couldn't find an entry level full-time job with the city?

Anyone that donated did so because they wanted to. She also didn't set up the fundraiser. I was skeptical myself at first, but I'm pretty positive this is all on the up and up at this point. But, clearly, you know much more about her personal life than I do.

I know a lot of people (guys, let's face it, there are no women present) here shit on Burr's animated Netflix show, but it was a real show and better than the overwhelming bulk of mainstream comedy series.
To tie it back, Burr went it about it the right way and Jimmy did not.