Dani takes shot at Anthony

23  2016-06-11 by Mr702law


Ehondaslaps is trying to get some sloppy unshowered seconds.

He's hands down the biggest faggot on this sub. More so than ApeNia and his thousand accounts.

When he accused Dan Soder of stealing his jokes then lost an argument on twitter to Luis J Gomez about it he should have chugged a bottle of bleach after.

Good to know that the kid from those Fetal Alcohol Syndrome pamphlets is doing well for himself nowadays.

At no point did this clown think to not upload that retarded picture. Self awareness is at an all time low.

Wait, he's a real person? Hahaha. I thought he was some kind of weird parody account.

He's a parody of a human being.

Fuck wrong wit dat nigga's eyes?


I bet this walleyed mongoloid couldn't focus his gaze on my face.

Neanderthals live.

Holy shit, if that was acting I'd give that caveman an Oscar.


im a little hurt I wasnt in the running for biggest faggot on this sub.

Turn around, buddy, we can still fix that

I'm apparently not working hard enough around here.

someone's username is ApeNia? warms my heart

Darkest white knight I've seen yet

I hate that faggot

Greasy haired bitch.

Good to see that she isn't harboring any resentments and has moved on with her life.

She's a fucking nobody if she's not either Vinnie Brand's daughter or Anthony Cumia's ex, and the former doesn't get her much attention.

Kind of like how you've moved on from commenting about a dead radio show.

Why do you have to rain on my parade with your completely accurate observation?

Are you saying an unremarkable woman adopted some dude's personality when they were together and then did a 180 when they broke up?

Anything she's got to say now is within the shadow of Anthony which is way more depressing.

shes only mad cause anthony aint giving her money

I wish this thread title was more literal.

Then we'd finally know the answer to the question "WHERE'S MY FUCKING GUN?!"

I can't imagine a genuine black person taking an interest in any of this.

Who is still paying attention to her?

Geico Caveman looking motherfuckers who think she'd fuck them.

And if she did, I hope she's on the pill because that would be one ugly baby.

It would be Sam Roberts

whichever assistant prosecutor put in charge of getting her testimony?

I hope the Algonquin tribe of hack comics are preparing a burial mound for Dani Brand. No way she lives until 40.

Anthony had sex in her tho

What a useless cunt. Go away you idiot.

You statement could apply to 3 different people.

Now four

Tsst... Blynde2hate? Deaf2Hate was already taken or sumthin..

White trash cunt stfu and get back to full obscurity before you attract some new beta loser bf who breaks your other wrist.

All I can say is ew.

True. 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂

You all are a real bunch of jerks.


Fuck that lying golddigger

What a coincidence, the guy who literally thinks sexism and racism don't exist thinks that Dani is lying despite overwhelming evidence.

It's almost like the two things could be related.

Women and blacks are objects.

I'm not arguing that, I'm just saying it should be acknowledged. Like how those white power skinhead bands openly call themselves Nazis and call for another holocaust rather than act like they're "just having open and honest discussion".

I am of Jewish decent. You're argument is invalid.

if anything it's more valid.


So was Hitler.

Except that most of those retards border on being Libertarians or Anarchists and have no concept of social responsibility like the Nazis did.

Yeah like these guys https://youtu.be/xJRcjQeO7DM



That weird. I didnt mean to do that. Sorry

Fuck you.

Ok. Yes sir. Fine


Wrong assumption acually, was just trying to instigate jokes about hollow bones and tranny revelations that lead to arguements. Not everything here has to be serious.

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

What overwhelming evidence is that.

I hope you fucking kill yourself.


Don't take that as me being unwilling to explain the evidence. Take it as things being self evident and shut the fucking fuck up.

Lolol sure.

Yeah you wont


I hope you are killed in a robbery

Are you still on about your strawman shit? Youre just angry i made you look like a typical crypto-racist and sexist. Youre a male feminist

Who said racism and sexism doesn't exist? You nigger cunt.

You're a fag, fuck off.

White knighting for your fellow SJW? LOL!

You are the fag, sir.

I only white knight for CQ and BaldOpie. You're just a fruit, now fuck off.

Go make more snarky posts showing how upset you are that Gavin makes fun of liberal millennial douchebags like you.


In all honesty I think you should kill yourself.

Between u/Bick_Bickerson and u/ApeNia we truly have every shade of faggot in this sub.

Look i'm not saying i'm not a soft hearted faggot, but don't act like I'm the equal opposite of Apenia. That would preclude me from wanting to participate here.

Did Gavin hurt your feelings? Poor little fag. Maybe you can post about it in r/shitredditsays or r/twoxchromosomes if you need support.

That's exactly it lol, fuck off fruit.

Your obsession with Gavin is the most pathetic queer shit I've ever seen.

Lol, what? You must be thinking of /u/JoeCumiaSr. He is the one that posts about Gavin every day because Gavin offends his delicate millennial sensibilities.

To see the world through your eyes, totally oblivious to sarcasm and humor. Fuck off, fag.

Uh huh

every day

Like your faggot ass does everyday about blacks because your daddy preferred minorities to his witless ratfuck loser of a son?

You seem upset.

Because I'm worried about you.

I'm just here as a counterbalance to your SJW faggotry.

No, you're here to shitpost about politics/race. Go jerk off to Ant's twitter or take the advice from a few comments up and end your misery with a bullet.

But all you do is shitpost and bitch about Anthony's politics and racism.

"He just yells at black people in front of a green screen." - You from a couple hours ago.

Deal with it, cuck.


Hey, alt-machine-

cuckold |ˈkəkəldˈkəkōld| noun archaic the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

...learn how to use that word or else it comes off as your badge of dumbfuckery.

"The word cuckold derives from the cuckoobird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests.[2][3] The association is common in medieval folklore, literature, andiconography."

White liberals are indeed cucks. It takes some abstract thinking but I have faith in you.

It takes some abstract thinking

You wield it about as accurately and masterfully as Sherrod does comedy. And like him, you're also a fucking moron screeching nonsense.

What exactly is nonsense? Feel free to refute anything I have said.

I'll make it simple for an abstract-thinking, FBI fact-checking intellectual such as yourself. "Dassabessoe" = "Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!"

And fuck off with your "I dare you to refute me" cuntiness. No one here is mentioning Bernie/Hilary/SJW shit but you and your hallucinations. Go worship your kid-diddling washup on one of his ghost town subs.

You just mentioned "FBI fact-checking" because facts apparently upset you.

Yet no one is mentioning SJW shit? Sorry that "Hate Facts" bother you so much.


I mentioned them because I was quoting your tranny-fucking God, you fucking loon.

You outright admit you exist here to enforce your faggy political stances and then have the gall to call others "social justice warriors"? Next time you go on a deleting spree, don't stop until your every one of your useless contributions are gone.

Are you a female? You have to be. You always type with such emotion.

Are you a female? You have to be. You always type with such emotion.

"I'm just here as a counterbalance to your SJW faggotry."

Nice projection. But being such a passionate faggot isn't enough, you're going to have to start wearing a dress & wig if you want your role model to buy you an Ipad and fuck you up the ass.

I'm not as passionate as you, sweetheart. Your passion is so pathetic that someone had to point it out.

Your entire existence, until your miserable life is finally over, will always be about how angry you are that black men passed your ass around like a side dish at thanksgiving.

You're a born loser and will die one.

You're the one that seems angry, ma'am. Is it that time of the month?

I'm just going to assume you're a fat lesbian from now on which is most likely 100 percent accurate.

That was easy. Now that your whiny emotional posts are put in perspective they make a lot more sense.

How you can type that and angrily sob about Bernie/Hilary/YourOwnerObama in the next huffy breath shows what delusional, hypocritical sopping wet cunt you are.

Annoyed at most. I'm never mad here, dollface. I just like pointing out a few facts here and there with a bit of hyperbole.


Hi faggot

Who's this gavin guy?

Certainly not you sir.

Also fuck off.

She's alright.

He's hands down the biggest faggot on this sub. More so than ApeNia and his thousand accounts.

Darkest white knight I've seen yet

I hate that faggot

In all honesty I think you should kill yourself.

Greasy haired bitch.

Why do you have to rain on my parade with your completely accurate observation?