This sub is ruining my life

147  2016-06-10 by Jackthejew



I love you guys


juss chill n fukkn...

Juss reedin' an chucklin'.

dassabesso just breakin up an no fukin

How fat is Stacey? Be honest.

She can take a punch

No Stacies aren't fat.

No Stacies aren't fat.

yep ok

Way to refute my joke, dildo. Still upvoted for the hot pic of the Kiebs.

Isn't her name Stacey though?



She was apparently good looking enough to be on an HBO show, good for her.

Post-Op Club Soda

There is no name that covers everyone

Except Stacey, she's sooooo big, she covers everyone!

stacey halprin, guggle it

I did, Google couldn't handle the bandwidth. Gimme those ribs!

hey there

It's probably a male Stacey, or a female who looks like Stacey Keach.

Is she a great big fat person?

Listen if a man with tits and a micropenis can get lynsi margera then a moderately successful financial analyst with alcoholism and a pet pill addiction can get a not fat girl.

Them lambs are quiet, possibly silenced.

Dassafatso. eatin, fuckin


Post Stacey. I want to see what you're working with, sports fan.

Yeah nice try. She's an illegal immigrant and we all know what you'll do.

If she gives you anymore lip send her this.

Deuce, maybe a deuce and a half.

Can I have Stacey number

Fuckin jar jar binks

If Stacey looks anything like Bobo's sister, I'll hit it.

Not even kidding, she's a cutie pie that one.

This happened to me over the last couple days. I took a weekend sort of trip with a guy and every time I saw something I liked I'd let "Dassabesdoe" fly. I like the "doe" version... different strokes and all.

Eventually he just somberly asked "..Why are you doing that..?"

The box of dead mice should arrive by Monday :)

Somewhere out there, DannyFromTheShow just got triggered

You know you are big time when you are on TruTV doing shitty jokes alongside Todd Bridges.. dassabesso

really? which nigger kyke spic faggot downvoted this?


No sir I believe that YOU are "ruining your life". It doesn't even matter because Stacey is prolly a big fat oinker.

ffffawkin brrutal!


You have no life.

Your life looked pretty shit and gay already