9  2016-06-10 by EskimoEscrow

First one to videotape themselves interrupting a stranger's conversation with Dassabesso gets gold.


You're gonna get Knickers killed

Impractical Jokers with only O&A references for every challenge

Impractical Chokers, Ant can do voice overs.

Faggots would be a more appropriate title.

I would scream in ecstasy if someone called into the show and got it on the air with Sherrod in the room

Too easy. Make it something like they have to be black or it has to be a call in to O&J.

I did it but the tape got all fucked up. Gold please

I'm not gonna do it but I actually wouldn't mind seeing someone else

EDIT: actually maybe I will if I get a good opportunity, eff it

Don't bring innocent parties into this.