Luis J. Gomez retells Mark Normand's retelling of Tucker Maxx's bullshit story on LOS

19  2016-06-10 by TheScarletR

They're behind a paywall and you need a trial and stuff and even if that weren't true, I don't know how to cut clips.

Luis did a hilarious mocking of the story with Dave Smith as the "roommate in the closet" but I think Luis was the only one who knew he was mocking Mark Normand. If someone has the ability to pull the clip, it's pretty funny.


I'm convinced Luis posted this

Stop shilling for gas Luis

Dude come on I just need to get to Magooby's for a set - I'll totally pay you back.

I question who's still paying CUMIAS "millionaire welfare"

but....,...(mmmhh....mmmmhhhhh....clear throat)


Luis Gomez and 'hilarious' should not be put in the same sentence

How about, Luis said Colin Quinn is hilarious?

Well played Luis, Well played.


Good point

unless "is not" is between them

then why did you? #ThePuertoRicanLinguist #TheWilliamSafireOfComedy

I will never not be surprised to hear that someone actually signed up to the GaS Digital network.

Luis Gomez was on Sam's show the other day and he was complaining that Opie wont have him on his show. Sam asked him if he ever made fun of Opie when he was working with Ant and he replied maybe a couple of times. Then Sam said well there you go, Opie doesn't like to be made fun of.

Then what happened?

They touched peckas.

The O&J Twitter account has been tweeting that they were talking about the Tucker Max appearance after the Normand story. I don't listen, did they not talk about how Mark stole it ?

I don't follow their twitter or listen to the full shows anymore so I didn't hear anything that came after Mark telling the story and Soder and Opie asking questions sort of breaking down the story right after. I assume whoever posted the clip of the story heard the whole episode.

James and Gregg spoke about it in the days following.. Also Jim spoke about it on his advice show.. Nothing Major.. But atleast they acknowledged it

Did Mark ever acknowledge it on air, or just everyone else?

Yep Jim brought it up jokingly in front of Mark, and Mark said he'd been getting a rough time of it on twitter.. Then they explained to him the whole Tucker Max thing and played clips.

Can you link me to that? Or was it the same day he told it


I just signed up for a trial of GaS to check it out -- are they not doing video podcasts anymore? The only options under all the podcasts are just to "Listen"

edit: nevermind I figured it out, but is this story you're talking about from the Rich Vos podcast episode? That's the most recent one that still has a "Watch" option

Yes, thats the episode. Its in the last 20 min or so if you dont wanna watch the whole thing.

Then what happened?

Yep Jim brought it up jokingly in front of Mark, and Mark said he'd been getting a rough time of it on twitter.. Then they explained to him the whole Tucker Max thing and played clips.