Bobo and his bitches

60  2016-06-10 by youfuckmymother


Dassavestdog, jus to keep warm an fuckin.

It amazes me how every time I go a few days without looking at this sub, I come back and have no fucking idea what's going on.

Dassabesso, jus' new jokes an fuckin

I go a few days without looking at this sub

Fucking liar.

I am sick of this nonsense.

dassamadfag, jussa rage n' fuckin

Just a distinguished gentleman and his life companions. This portrait belongs in a museum.


Yesterday bobo said he should be respected on father's day because he has dogs. Bless him. He's on his fucking mid 30s

DASSABESDOG just barkin' and fuckin'...

He should never be respected in any circumstances.

"In a bar."

Any clue on the breed of the dog in front? Terrier? Retriever?

It's a schnoodle awroight

Seriously though the one in front looks like a Beagle.

Okay but what baseball team does the guy support?

the Queens Mongoloids

Sounds redundant but okay

Some sort of schnauzer.

Mr Maloonigans is doing well after being assaulted by the future-tive.

At least the houses in his neighborhood aren't very close together.

The extension cord dangling from the hand rail is a nice touch. Dope bumblebee plant ornament too.

I can't wait for his mixtape to drop. So gang, what tracks do you think he'll be putting on this one? The first track will obviously be "In a baaaaaar" to appeal to the clubs and women.

It's coooooooow-themed

Lol. Three badasses. The beagle looks like he thinks he is some hot shit. Bobo looks like he used a squatty potty to pose for this pic.

The more I look, the more I just really want to put that beagle in his place. Get over yourself, dude.

That's a tough posse; the beagle looks like he's not one to be fucked with.

isn't mr mallonagen camera shy?

I thought that even with bacon in his hands mr mallonagen is camera shy still

Bobo is now better looking than the majority of people in the O&A universe. If only he could get that mangled dick in order.

I didn't know Bobo was a slav, but that mighty squat proves it all

Out of everyone in the o&a universe, Bobo is the closest to normality when it comes to his private life. Happy for whatever he gets, got his dogs and goes to games. Dassabessdoe when he doesn't fuck trannies (this now applies to two people), is less retarded than Opie, more alive than Patrice.

Rosie doesn't get as much attention as she should; look at that fucking dog. She probably hates bobo and mr mallonagen.

Talks about a schnoodle nonstop

Takes a picture with a terrier and a beagle

Oh Bobo.

The beagle has the exact same stare as Bobo...creepy

It looks like the beagle owns Bobo and not the other way around.

Bobo has those bedroom eyes going on.

I wonder what baseball team Bobo pulls for

Bobo why do you need two on the present tsss
