this sub stinks now and i dont like it anymore

0  2016-06-10 by SWIMsfriend

everyone in the O&A universe is on their best behavior now and the past month 2 months has been boring as shit. the last amazing thing that happened in this world is the pat dixon bonnie macfarlene fight


Sherrod has single-handledly saved this sub

The sub needs to be painted black in honor of Sherrod.

Wait, why black though

Believe it or not, Sherrod is black. Who knew?!?

You lying piece of shit

He's not looooying.

I wish Joe never put his tail between his legs. He was the perfect super villain for us.

jussa villain, fuckin

He's been getting bolder lately. Tweeting. Put his shitty cover band schedule back up. Won't be long before he feels brave enough to take a swipe at the sub again.



Hang in there Harry Conick and the stinkles are coming

Stop listening. Moderators love the direction of the new sub. Cakehorn

heh heh how bout that Mark Normand? Hes gettin all the ladies and rakin in the cash

Dassa controversial opinion doe

Dassa bessdoe is the best thing to happen to this sub in months.

That really tells you something about how far we've fallen doesn't it

I legitimately think it's funny, but is starting to get played out with the variations

Predicted this would happen months ago. You turn on what you love, you force them to act like every other mainstream personality - who hide all their flaws - and you'll have little to nothing to laugh at anymore, or exploit.

Now the final death with be this reddit - as the posts and users dwindle. All the old users left ages ago, anyway.

Does it bother you that we won't care if you stop reading, baby boy?

Believe it or not, Sherrod is black. Who knew?!?