Opie doesn't like jokes

44  2016-06-09 by Z7ZZ77Z


Based on this here video, I think a new mission of this sub should be to SherrodRoll popular videos. "Dassabesso, jussa chill n' fuckin..." in the middle of Taylor Swift videos

Someone needs to reupload a new Drake or Justin Beiber song the day it's released with a dasabessroll at like 1:30 in

Sometimes I'll listen to old bands on YouTube that don't have official channels. Upload an album from Led Zeppelin and just put "dassabesso" 20 minutes in.

Home, home again. I like to be here when I can. When I come home cold and tired. It's good to warm my bones beside the fire.

Dassabesso just to chill and fuckin..


"I thought we was just bustin balls"


Sams tone when he said no is like the response to "Hitler didnt like jews"

I got Nigrolled


Do you have the full interview. I want to hear what the Puerto Rican Rattlesnake has to say about shitting on Opie

Who is this semen demon?

Luis j gomez, the Portuguese rubber plant

No idea. Probably some instagram girl.

Bashing Opie will ALWAYS guarantee that you never come back. Why is he acting so surprised?

I barely looked at the girl

"I don't have comics on all that often"

You don't have people tuning in all that often, either. Smart move, Sammy.

Someone needs to reupload a new Drake or Justin Beiber song the day it's released with a dasabessroll at like 1:30 in
