Today's(6/8) show breakdown of Opie's participation during the show.

40  2016-06-08 by MLBbrain

Gregg asks Travis if he remembers what song they played last time from the band that opened the show up today. Jimmy laughs and says he is happy he didn't ask if Travis remembered something else. Travis and Jimmy start laughing so Gregg joins in the laughter like he is in on the joke. Opie finally says just say it. Travis drops the clue that it's his mom so Opie, while still laughing with the boys like he got it the first time, now says ohhh, ok, alright.

Opie has stuntbrain on the line. Says "right" numerous times throughout the call. The time during the call, Opie would say the final word of his sentences in a different tone and voice than the rest of his sentence.

Opie calls out stunt brain for calling out a Jimmy joke, saying stuntbrain doesn't need to shove it down peoples throat and it doesn't hurt to have subtle humor once in a while. Even though Opie loudly said wow! after Jimmy's joke.

Opie knows who Hilary needs to choose for VP to gain more voters.

Opie is explaining to Normand how his story was similar to Tucker Maxes.

Opie believes his and Jimmy's stories are all real and pretty accurate.(jury duty was real and accurate? lol)

Gregg says back in the day when they smelled blood, they went for the kill.(when has Gregg ever cleverly got one over one someone? It was always Norton and Anthony destroying people)

Gregg is joyous that he can bond with the boys again, and say he also sometimes wears women's deodorant. Says he is so happy he can come out and say it now since Sherrod and Normand said they have before.

Opie keeps going in and out of two different voices talking to Sherrod. He did this yesterday too. No idea what he is doing.

Few times while people in studio make jokes about a plus size model, Opie raises his laugh while everyone laughs, but then Opie goes back to talking normally about the magazine she's in.(Doubt if his laughs were genuine, he would be able to stop on a dime and continue talking right after).

Gregg wants to know what is worse: Bengay on your balls or shampoo in your pee hole. He asked this question after saying you gotta cut up gold bonds blue with golds bonds yellow to get a perfect mix, and you'll be ready to party. then laughs

Gregg must've said "right" close to 30 times already. I am only in a little bit over an hour into the show.

Opie obnoxiously yells out twice "life's gonna knock you down!" in not his regular voice while the studio was talking about PC in the world.

Opie can't pronounce back to back words. Says he thinks he had the first one right.

Two times now Opie has said "there ya go" in a weird voice while fake laughing, after talking over someone's joke and then going right back to what he was saying(guess he does that to show the person he thinks what they said was funny?)

Everyone laughs at Sherrod's Bond's joke. But Gregg has to point out it was a good point and funny, too!

Phones are lit according to Gregg about the transgenders thing again. The first caller was a guy who hung up after a minute of not making sense. (Oh...that was the only caller. Not sure how 1 caller qualifies as the phones being lit, but ok. Moving on I guess to talking about Kimbo Slice)

Gregg asks why the intern is running down the hall. EROCK chimes in and says because they have to upload the first hour to the replay. Greg backs down and says he doesn't really care, he was just painting a picture for the audience how crazy it is around there today.(lol what?)

Gregg uses the "this guy wants in" famous line.

Gregg, and I guess everyone else in studio, get fooled by a video titled Nadal and Federer fight rare footage. The two men fighting clearly are neither of em, and 1 is even Asian.

Jimmy mentions Kesley Cook has a peanut allergy. Opie's response is "EW. You have a peanut allergy?" He then goes on to say this is a new thing because growing up no kids back in the day had a peanut allergy. He even asks if it's the way people process the food differently now. lol

Gregg says he had a food allergy years ago at a super bowl party from eating dip, he couldn't see outta his "own eyes" lol, so he had to call his brother to go to the emergency room. The doctors told him good thing he didn't take an aspirin because he would have died. They gave him Benadryl and his brother said "holy shit. I can see your face going down right now"(this was after someone said how Benadryl saves people's lives) When asked what food he was allergic to that caused that, Opie's response was "uhhhhh to this day I don't know what" He then apologizes to Kelsey for "triumphing" her food allergy story. He also pronounced triumphing as trumping.

Gregg stumbles reading Tucker Max reasoning of why he doesn't have the tape from the closet. He got so tongue tie, he had to say wait and then start over after a few words.

Gregg wants the Tucker Max audio played. He listens to some of it. The only part of the audio he is in so far is him telling Tucker Max if Gregg and his frat boys did this, they would've found a way to keep the tape. Callers call out Tucker for being a liar, but only Anthony and Jimmy are saying things to be on Tuckers side like saying the callers are jealous. Those two are acting good like they believe him. Opie then stops the audio and says let me bring you guys on the inside of what's going on. "I am setting him up on the hook. Acting like I believe him just setting him up because I know what's about to go down. Jimmy was doing his part...and of course Anthony." (From the audio played so far to Opie cutting it off and trying to give "inside info", Opie blatantly already said he doesn't believe Tucker with the if it was true there would have been a tape comment. Only Anthony and Jimmy are baiting Tucker into this game. But of course The dopester is taking credit for it and acting like he is the genius behind it all. Thought it was fishy he wanted this audio played all day. Thinking it was so show how genius he was in it, even though it was more of Ant and Jim baiting Tucker)

Opie is giving some more "on the inside info". Opie knew all the callers that day were mean so he kept prefacing taking the calls with "oh this is a positive caller" because he knew Tucker would stay because he thought he would finally hear something nice.(Is Gregg for real. Does he really think that he is so clever by saying this is a positive caller 10 times and them all being negative, that kept Tucker in studio. Everyone caught on after the second time. This man really does think he is some sort of genius)

A caller says they're a beer distributor. Gregg asks him what's his favorite grapefruit beer. Doesn't like the beer he says because it's too strong. Gregg says he might have to dip in again with it, though, and give it a try again.


This is a very good rundown. I can't stand to listen to the show anymore thanks to his dong-ery but I do like to read about it, so thank you.

To play douche's advocate for a moment, "trumping" Kelsey's story would make more sense than "triumphing." Though telling a guest that you just upstaged their food allergy story is classic Opie. Either way, I hope I'm reading this wrong and he said that he "triumphed" it.

Keep up the good work.

he said trumped and it was appropriate

I think we can give the OP a pass considering the subject.

''Gregg asks him what's his favorite grapefruit beer. Doesn't like the beer he says because it's too strong. Gregg says he might have to dip in again with it, though, and give it a try again.'' hahahah come on now... He didn't actually say he doesn't like beer because it's too strong!?

Even worse: He didn't like fucking GRAPEFRUITBEER because it's too strong.

Who did Opie want for Hilary's VP?

He said she needs an old white man.

Jesus what a load.

Remember how Opie kept saying Trump was going to get the New Mexico governor as his VP to get the Female/Hispanic vote and was so confident in his assertion he brought it up every chance he got, now only to find out that Trump is openly mocking her.

I like You.

I don't care to listen to this show but I would much rather read the transcript. Thanks!

This summary has had the OPPOSITE affect on me; I'm looking forward to listening to this travesty tonight and douche-chill.

Side notes: Jimmy did the daily jokes of "I was voted school" Answered questions meant for the other guests. Answered questions sarcastically, For example answered how tall some NHL player was by saying 5'2. Did the typical I like men, no jk comments.

Normand has a yeast infection from having sex with a girl in a hot tub.

Of course he does

Gregg really knows how to boring-up a trip to the ER. He doesn't know what caused it, got a headache and swollen both of which were resolved within a minute of treatment.

And the paperwork there is a real bear, you guys.

Totally trumps pepper's uber blackout

It's, in all honesty, totally not a lie either.

...oh, and *triumphs

I actually like these breakdowns, keep doing them.

He then apologizes to Kelsey for "triumphing" her food allergy story. He also pronounced triumphing as trumping.

you fucking idiot


Did they forget to teach that to you at autism school?

This truly sounds awful. Not sure if contract negotiations are happening in October or not but no way they can be putting up the listener numbers they once were. They are either going to sign for significantly less money or the show will be gone soon. Unless of course management really really "likes" the direction of this show.

Nice cliffs of the show though. Well done

Not sure if contract negotiations are happening in October

I believe they are. It's every two years, correct? And the last one was in 2014. They've been skating for the past two years but I really think this year something is going to change. They have virtually no audience, no buzz, no nothing. And after giving Stern that absurd amount of money on his most recent contract, I just can't see this show being able to maintain the status quo like they've been doing without some major change.

It's every two years, correct?

Yes, because Opie would rather feel important by signing a piece of paper every two years than have job security.

Someone should do this for cumia

Damn, I actually forgot he still had a show. I thought he was still in rehab or something.

You need to be careful dude. "If you're all in with the abyss the abyss is also all in with you *sniff" Friedrich "The Destroyer" Nietzsche

This reminds me of "The Fez Show". Much longer than 30 seconds an episode though.

Can I ask something: Did Gregg say 'pee-hole' in that voice he sometimes uses that sounds like a 10 year old who just learned a dirty word?

oh god I can imagine him over-pronouncing it while faintly laughing

He kind of said it out of breath and low because he was running out of air saying that sentence.

Am I the only one that saw "Opie" "show" and "breakdown" in the title and nearly squealed thinking he'd cracked on-air?

Seriously disappointed at this.

I feel ashamed that I read all that

I want to see how long you can do these rundowns until you finally off yourself.

He had a food allergy at a Super Bowl party... but lived alone and had to call his brother. I thought food allergies were pretty much instantaneous things? Not delayed reactions hours later. I could definitely be wrong but I really want this to mean he considered watching the Super Bowl by himself a party.

More of these PLEEEEASE!

Please do this everyday

Best threads going on here. Looking forward to tomorrow's!

How long has he been doing that same weak-ass peanut allergy bit?

That was an oddly compelling read. Well done.

my favorite: "Opie can't pronounce back to back words. Says he thinks he had the first one right.", like it's a guy two weeks into a foreign language class.

A bright 2nd-grader could give Tits a serious run for his money. On any topic.

A bright 4th-grader would obliterate him.

When will this fuckery end?

prediction: not October

"Outta my own eyes"

LMFAO fucking asshole

When Chuck D mentioned being allergic to the shell of a shrimp and not being able to touch the shelled tail, guess who also had a eerily similar story? Yeah. Opie. Said he can't touch the shrimp, then touch his face, because he then gets an allergic reaction and looks like Will Smith in Hitch.

He compared his reaction in this story to looking like Chuck Wepner.

"Gregg wants to know what is worse: Bengay on your balls or shampoo in your pee hole."

What the fuck....

this is so good, thank you

Seriously, why do people still listen to this shit?

Cunt spic fart.

It's, in all honesty, totally not a lie either.
