Why hasn't Jim Norton done Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?

21  2016-06-08 by Dannyprecise

Is he not respected in that world? Feel free to speculate.


caffeine is an addiction, and clean' jimmy doesn't go for that

Thank goodness he didn't start drinking coffee at 18. Probably would have went over the deep end.

Yeah he does. He's a coffee diva.

Didn't Seinfeld call him a hack on the Comedian movie commentary track.

Norton isn't anywhere on Seinfeld's radar. Even if Seinfeld knows his act he probably finds him a repetitive hack and doesn't want him on.

probably finds him a repetitive hack

Rich coming from someone that's been doing the same act for 10 years. Ergh did I actually just stick up for the worm?

30+ years. But no matter how repetitive Seinfeld's act is, it earned him gazillions of $'s and Hall of Fame status. Worm is going to fade into further oblivion in the next few years.

Norton's peak was being part of The Tonight Show at the same time as his O&A gig, if he was going to take off and be a real success it would have been then. His window of opportunity is either closed or closing fast.

No denying that and you can't really blame him I guess. If people are going to pay regardless why bother coming up with something new.

Dice, Larry the Cable Guy, Seinfeld, they all found their niche & have made it work, although we can all argue whether they are funny or not.

Worry with Jim is that he doesn't have a signature style unless it's self deprecation and the no-longer shocking "I like Tranny's" shtick.

Seinfeld's act itself didn't really earn him shit. Being friends with Larry David who put him on a show earned him a lot.

A little extreme to think it was all Larry David. While David played a huge part, he wasn't a part of the last few seasons during the height of it's popularity. You couldn't just stick in any comedian and make that show a hit.

Maybe I was being a bit extreme, but I think you could stick a lot of comedians from that time in his role and have it been just as big. I don't think Seinfeld's a hack or anything, he's great, but this reverence for him as this amazing legendary stand up comic is exaggerated. His stand up comedy alone wasn't that amazing, it was very typical, Jewish, observational comedy, though I'll admit his delivery definitely made it much more accessible for people. Larry David's influence and writing style were much more important to the show than Seinfeld's straight man character, in my opinion. Seinfeld's accessible humor only added to the realistic freak show created by David.

Yeah, what is up with that?

We can only hope.

You can hear the joke here when Jerry opens the door...I don't think it's Jimmy's voice though. https://youtu.be/S292TElZmd8?t=52m45s

That's not Jim, that's Gary Valentine.

Hilarious, the guy uncomfortably asking for a picture real quick was a Jimmy thing to do

I worked w that kid at the DC Improv back in 2000. He was always trying to get some stage time. Think they eventually let him introduce the emcee from the DJ stand.

That sounds more like Bobo than Jimmy.

I think it is as Jimmy was in the credits but wasn't in the movie, Just his voice.


Pretty sure that was Jimmy in the room there with Jerry asking for a picture.

In that circle of comics, Jimmy is considered a civilian.

who is in the circle? it's Seinfeld, Louie Seekay, Chris Rock, Col,

You fucking asshole. Do you not realize that caffeine is a drug? You want Jim to relapse?! Sure, he can get decaf, but you know that story about flying too close to the sun.

Because Jim is an unpleasant, uninteresting person to get coffee with?

They started taping but it never made it to air. Jerry pulled in the drive through, placed his order, and then Jimmy said "I'll have a large cup of warm tinkle from the female staff member who has gone the longest without bathing" and Jerry kicked him out.

The masters were destroyed, but a VHS tape of it is being passed around Hollywood amongst the elite.

Because Seinfeld is a fuuuuuucking SCUMBAAAAAG

"Ugh.. that JEW voice, his big fat Jew lips" "what a fuckin dick" -Bob Kelly

naaaaaht you!

He's a fucking baby boy, a vvvvvulture, and the media

He could probably be the guy that serves Jerry his coffee.

Didn't Colin trash Jimmy once because Seinfeld couldn't even remember his name? Kept calling him Nortone or something.

"Jimmy and the Nortones" was actually the name of his shitty ska band. The 90s were a weird time.

I remember Jim or Colin saying on O&A that it always seems like Jerry has to think hard about it and then he always ends up calling him James.

Nortone isn't even a last name. It's like Jerry went out of his way to show how little he thought of Worm.

Because it's too hard to get podcasting equipment into a car in the city?

Jimmy doesn't know who Seinfeld is. He's never watched the show because he's too busy being too cool for the room and not talking about his addiction history every chance he gets.

It's in the works . There's a lot of ideas being tossed around right now.

why havent YOU done Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee!?

Oh shit!

True story, I once served Seinfeld coffee as a teenage spic working in a hebiekikeberger catering hall.

Jerry would offer Jimmy a little time to drive and he'd lead the production crew to the meat packing district

I wouldn't be surprised if Jerry didn't know who Jimmy is.

I would be surprised if he did.

That's the same. wouldn't / didn't = would / did

Semantics Shemantics

Wait.... Shemantics. She man tics. She-man dicks.

Not really. Counter-example: I wouldn't be surprised whether he did or did not know Jimmy

I recall it being said one time that Jerry sorta knew his name, but it was in the way that I'd kinda know the name of somebody I met once at my office and then promptly forgot about.

He actually did do an episode with Norton, but it aired on epix so no one saw it.

Can you imagine Jimmy doing Chip all the way to the coffee shop in one of Seinfeld's Porsches?

Seinfeld has no idea who he is, and CQ and Louie aren't going to introduce him.

scheduling issues

Jimmy refused to get into a car and travel without his gun totting bodyguard kenny. Because you never know when fans are gonna mob an A lister like him

He's in Jerry's other series "Not YOU!"

Back when that Colin Quinn pushing Seinfeld's car was a thing it was hilarious to hear Jim even remotely think he was a peer of Jerry. Yuck

Jim asked Jerry on a TV set once and Jerry told him two creams and one Splenda.


What about Rich Vos?

Two Jews in one car? what is this, Auschwitz?

you really deserve more than one upvote for this. well done sir

You deserve more than one headshot for that.

The Oscar Meyer wiener mobile is still in the shop.

It's not that he's not respected. It's that Jerry Seinfeld has no idea he even exists.

Lactose farts in a small enclosure, schinkleboutit.

Didn't Seinfeld call him a hack on the Comedian movie commentary track.

He didn't feel like driving a Saturn

Jimmy only gets in cars for trannies


more like tugging

youre on a roll

like a tuna

Maybe it's because he is a shitty son.

Because Jerry the autistic didn't invite the creep. I don't understand how people like Jerry Seinfeld.

You mean that guy who jerr confuses with Bob Kelly? Oh wait that was Gervais I think


Seinfeld doesn't work blue. Denny Falcone has a better chance of going for a ride with Jerry.

Something tells me Jerry would end up strangling Denny but not in a funny way.

Too busy going to the gem and eating bettah

In what world is he respected?

not sure Jimmy knows the "craft" of coffee

He'd do chip or kirk cinnamon and fuck the whole show up

Seinfeld knows him as Nor-ton and is very aware of his attempted weaselings when colin and jerry would hang out and is disgusted by it

Jerry's afraid the little thief will steal the car

This thread is about Jimmy not Kevin Hart

Because he's not a comedian, he's a radio host.

Jimmy's never seen the show. He doesn't want to be influenced.

Because he is a bum.

Seinfeld should invite Bob Kelly on and have his assistant say he wants to apologise for the "not you" incident, and that he meant it as a joke. Then when Seinfeld goes to pick him up for the start of the episode he should arrive in a Zeppelin.

I imagine that Seinfeld talks to Jimmy.

Cause he suuuuuuuuuuucks

Boy is my face red. I thought you said ejaculate. I'll clean up the mess later....carry on!

Jesus, does everyone on this sub hate Jimmy? He has some annoying tendencies but I still think he's fucking hilarious, and has personally made me laugh infinitely more than Seinfeld ever has.

"[he] has personally made me laugh infinitely more than Seinfeld ever has."

I'll give ya that, considering most of the funny quotable parts of the Seinfeld TV show came from Larry David. I think Jim's actual stand-up is as mediocre as the next guy does, but Seinfeld takes that hacky irrelevancy to another level completely, especially the network TV-friendly material that they would use as bumpers on the show.

Jimmy's dirty little gremlin schtick is so polar-opposite to Jerry's cleancut observation humor that something like an episode of CiCGC with Jim probably won't ever happen.

No one is like him on the radio. He's quick and witty. His stand-up? It fucking stinks. It's atrocious.

He will only he known as a fantastic third mic with a horrendous stand up act.

Hey that's great and all but did Jerry ever take 60k from his fans and then refuse to even follow through on the free perks he promised like a dumb re-tweet, then basically go completely silent about it?

It's surprising how many here don't like him. I got accused of hiding behind an alt account for saying he's funny on another post.

I love him.

I don't get why people hate ever single person on the show. I hate tits and sherrod etc cause I have to put up with them to listen to Jim.

hilarious? not recently. no for a while, actually.

In the words of Patrice: "Eat ass."

Two Jews in one car? what is this, Auschwitz?