What do you guys think of Dru Boogie?

1  2016-06-08 by TheScarletR

I always thought he got too much credit for his boring, repetetive remixes and that Opie only ever appreciated him because at any given moment he could kill 5 minutes with one of his shit songs. No one seems to care one way or the other about him judging by YouTube comments.


I dunno man.. I had that mimi Beardsley song stuck in my head for days


It's a real cock softener.

Days? I still find myself yelling "back and to the left".

that song is a real cock softnah

I'm in chains!!!

opie liked having a "brotha" in the studio. he liked it even more when he could yell "hit it" and music would play for him and he would feel cool and hip for a moment.

Anthony also liked Drew Boogie since he would constantly bring him up as a character reference in defense of his own racial biases.

Ant keeps his friends close and his black friends even closer.

Good guy, brought stuff to the show and never did anything disagreeable. LoveForDru

Isn't anything special musically, and nearly ruined the "Secret Show to the Future" with his awful quips.

I'd like to see him make a movie called Bowling for Behave.

Laugh your years away was awesome

Dru was solid. Brought a lot of content to the show and never asked for anything. Didn't even have an amazon wish list or nuffin. Top guy!

I always liked his songs especially the one he did from Jimmy clips "I want YOU to notice ME!"

Shawn F and Cokelogic should hold him down and fuck him in front of whatever passes for his wife/girlfriend.


mimi Beardsley was good. But I hate midi based music

I'll take whatever opinion Tits takes, whenever someone tells him what to think.