Mark Normand is Funny

14  2016-06-08 by duranfarbissina

who cares if he tells Peruvian lies the guy is actually funny which is a rarity when it comes to Tit's new facade crew


Joe List is 20x the comic this asshole is.

ahhhhhh you got me there, yikes

Him getting annoyed at and calling out Luis J Gomez on LOS for hooking him up with a shitty t-shirt salesman, who he cuts a cut from, was excellent. Poorly worded.

Completely agree. Everyone here fucking hates everything. His comedy doesn't hinge on his stories at all. They're fun to listen to. He's a talented dude. Him and Joe List are hilarious together. So quick with the zings. He's the only one of Opie's regulars I like

His voice really bugged me from the beginning. "Ahhh yeahhhh, okayyyyy" it's hard to reproduce, but he doesn't speak like a human being. His stories all seem grossly exaggerated, all being topped off with that Tucker Max like story.

His voice really irritates me. Almost (but not quite) as much as Sherrod. Funny, Norm McDonald's voice has never bothered me, but hearing it from Normand makes me want to punch my radio.

I've never heard his standup, but based on his OnJ appearances, I can't stand the guy.

Why doesn't he sound like he is from Louisiana?


It used to annoy me, but now I don't mind.

Dan Soder has the worst voice out of everyone. His wacky voices are so shit too.

I love his and Joe List's back and forth banter.


He's a great stand up and he actually has balls and says some pretty mean things on radio.

He was literally the only person to have the balls to tell Michael Madsen the real reason Anthony wasn't there anymore when both Opie and Jim were fumbling around just saying he "left the show" but then Normand just bursts out "He was fired for racist tweets"


Judy Gooooold.. you're a Jewish lesbian!

Brad Williams.. you're a midgeeeehhhhht !

Kimbo Slice died while awaiting transfer to the Cleveland Clinic, #1 nationally in cardiology.. You know you're in trouble when you need medical help in Clevelaaahhhnd !

An unoriginal, ignorant boor.

I'm conflicted because I completely agree, he's so much better than the rest of the new go-to squad but when he told that Tucker Max story almost word for word, it was extremely uncomfortable. At least that was a fascinating type of cringe like it was documenting a budding serial killer. I'll take that over the type of cringe when Opie loses confidence midway through a stupid sentence, pauses, and then repeats the stupid sentence.

i dont know, the opie cringe is fun and expected. that mark normand tucker max story was very uncomfortable

I will concede this, although his mentally-ill need to tell blatantly obvious bullshit stories is sad and pathetic, he's the most likely to actually crack a funny joke out of the entire new Opie Raqio Zoo Crew.

His appearances on the Moontower shows they did were hilarious. The only guy that matches his quickness with thrown out lines is Jimmy.

Joe List is much quicker and really goes for the throat. I think Joe List is the closest new breed comic to the old O&A crew

I think Joe is funnier, but Mark is way more brutal.

I agree but the thing that pisses me off is that those two fucks didn't say a thing about that shitty story. Not a peep.

Naaaaaht Fuuuunnnniie

But why even listen?

The only part that annoys me is that his mannerisms seem to forced.

His one liners are pretty good. He had one about miscarriages awhile back that was fucking hilarious.

Myyy oh myyy! #piscopoe #letterman

is Mark Normand even he's real name

I heard it's Marc Normande! You cannot trust him with anything!

It must be awkward him opening for Schumer when it should be the other way round.

I'm an open minded guy....all funny comics have some bit or joke available on youtube, what's one of his classic bits that would be good to look up?

His latest Conan appearance was good.

He's okay. Compared to Sherrod and Chris D and the other regulars, it makes him look better. His bullshit stories wouldn't have flied with Colin or Patrice in studio.

I love his word play yuma...

He's full of shit, but I think that's the bit. I hope it's a bit, because that would make Normand fucking awesome.

That Tucker Max story was BRUUUUUTAAAAAHHHHL but yes Mark Normand is funny and Tuesdays is a great podcast


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Hey heeeeyyyy

WRONG! He isn't funny or even remotely entertaining,he's a douche.