Oh BroJo

9  2016-06-08 by IHateSherrod


Its amazing how he and others think Trump is an arch-conservative. Do they know that Trump has been friends with the Clinton family for like, the past 3 decades (or more). This is pro wrestling shit--its a work. Sorry Trump fans, you're voting for a democrat.

Idk that he is a democrat, but he certainly isn't a republican. He has played this entire thing beautifully. He realized how easy it is to manipulate the conservative voting base. "Muslims! Build a wall! Military!" Boom he is the nominee

If he wins the election, I hope he laughs off the wall and invites random Mexicans into the White House to kiss them on the cheek.

Then clean his toilets...

I agree with you 100%, but here's a clip of him basically admitting to preferring democrats. Honestly, I don't even really hate the guy (he's rather entertaining). And am I neither a democrat or republican (both parties have had good POTUS, but have both sucked in the current era), I'm just pointing out that--like any politician--he's full of shit.


"The majority will not be denied." If the majority of people leaned right, Obama wouldn't have been elected twice. Nor would Hillary be polling ahead of Trump. What is this idiot talking about? Even if you hate democrats, you can't deny the fact that the majority of voters lean left.

FDR (democrat) won the presidential election 4 times--at a time when the 2-term restriction did not exist. You don't get that kind of support with the left-wing alone, conservatives were also voting for this polio-motherfucker. Even thought the democratic party isn't what it used to be (and neither is the GOP of Lincoln and Eisenhower for that matter), can't deny voter penchant to the left has been historically demonstrated.

(Side-note: Theodore Roosevelt, the best Republican since Lincoln, would now be labeled as a "communist" if he were alive today.)


When I think of hard working Americans, Brother Joe certainly doesn't come to mind.

Calling people "subhumans" and "animals" kind of undermines the whole "I'm not a racist" angle he is pushing.

Convenient how he has never referred to a group of white people as being subhumans or beasts.

How many of these racist rants does he pump out a day? I imagine 90% of the people that are friends with him have hidden him from their feeds.

After his angry rant where he foretells violence and tells people to arm themselves, he calls himself "peace loving" with no degree of self-awareness. What a boob.

I just can't imagine living my life like that getting as angry as he does about everything. It must be exhausting.

These retards think it's a matter of duty to complain about black people on social media.

In their retard brains it makes them champions of free speech and white people around the globe are quietly grateful.

All this comes from a supposed white man who has been incarcerated and whose brother is shortly to be incarcerated, both for beating up women. He has never been hard working, caring or peace loving so why the fuck does he care about Americans who are those things? No one projects this much without legit mental illness.

I hope no one starts all that business up again, especially since it blew over and his schedule is back up on his site. Right here.

When you describe your ideological opponents as sub-humans in every sentence of your mindless tirade and refer to incarcerated blacks as inherently violent beasts, a reasonable conclusion would be that you are, in fact, a hate-filled racist.

Politics is the unitelligent persons way to feel intelligent.

I don't follow it but Politics does seem exhausting. You basically look for info everyday of why the opposite party is ruining America and why everything is awful. All while in your head believing your party can save everything.

Love how he can say "VIOLENT" filled and accused people of being "learning disabled" in the same sentence.

Can you be filled with "violent"?

The rest is an incoherent mess.

A fatal house fire at a compound party is really the only ending that I hope for to all this.

This is actual mental illness at this point. Won't end well.

Moving on past the obvious "Brother Joe is an ass" for a second: who are the people who like his statuses? He has thousands of Facebook friends, and always gets these people commenting about how right he is about everything.

Other senior citizens.


What the fuck happened to the cumia boys as kids. Why do black people scare them so much?

My guess is they had little or no interaction with many black people, while growing up with a mentally ill racist father.

He needs to start spraying all this stuff between 2U sets, Lenny Bruce style.

Of course he uses Facebook...

What would The Edge think of this?

is there anyway we can start a petition to keep him off social media / the internet if possible.



What a putz.

I know you were hoping to engage in shenanigans but you're not doing any good sharing his stupid bullshit here. Wait until its something funny like he died in a fire or something.

Speak for yourself. I need Brother Joe updates every hour. I think we should have one of those tickers at the bottom saying what Joe is doing and providing links to the latest Jezebel articles.

If you have hate in your heart let it out.

It must be exhausting to have thoughts like that stuck in your head all day that you feel the need to dump them on social media.

When he says subhuman violent animals he's talking about the Mexican and black protestors in a video he posted earlier that day.

Said the hate filled racist.

I'd love to hear Joe explain what is Trump going to do about whatever imaginary problem he just described.

Who cares about BroJoe? Really? Let this guy rot in irrelevancy.

If I were Trump, I'd kick this guy's ass, no matter how much he kisses mine

Sorry lefties, but the footage of Mexican flag waving gang members, anarchists and Bernie supporters threatening, demeaning, and assaulting a blonde white woman is probably the best gift you could give Trump other than a Paris style terrorist attack or Chinese debt bubble collaspe and has probably spawned quite a few brojoes over the past few weeks. This will be one hell of a summer. :D