Samcro Tits hates it when he can't have his opinion - 'Now, you can't even have an opinion as to whether or not anyone would be prejudicial toward you "

0  2016-06-07 by [deleted]


I thought most people liked Trump as sort of a fuck you to the establishment. I did not think there were people who actually liked and believed in him. What a tool.

His love for him really is childlike, isn't it?

He caps all of that misplaced and impotent anger off with #RyanHasAvagina, in case you were wondering whether or not the post was written by a complete retard with little understand of politics or the world at large. It's oddly funny to watch this shaved gorilla beat his chest over something that he's admittedly never followed before.

I honestly love hearing samcro talk about politics. It's the formula of 'enthusiasm multiplied by ignorance multiplied by old white trash' that makes it hilarious.

Do you think Samcro read anything about the case?

I read somewhere that the American judge Curiel actually granted partial summary judgment for Trump on some of the claims the students of TU made in 2010.

Almost every article you read has legal experts agreeing with the American judge.

What the fuck does that even MEAN

This sub has scarred Joe for life.