I love Jim Norton's killer arguments against homophobia

19  2016-06-07 by FlashVirus

Hey if you don't like homosexuality, or even think it might be a disorder of some sort, then you're really secretly gay! That is something totally original and I'm really glad Norton crafted this unstoppable debate point. And I'm happy he brings it up whenever an anti-LGBT person is given airtime.


YOU are why women don't report rape

And why retards die in fires.

God made them super-flammable for a reason. Take a hint, r-tards.

Hey mister, please refrain from using the 'R word'. We don't tolerate that type of talk around these parts and if you continue I might have to recommend washing your mouth out with a bar of soap (or hydrochloride acid)


hydrochloride is an acid salt fam.

Edit: oh shit fuck I did say hydrocloride! It was all spellcheck fault scouts honor!

And you didn't have to correct me. It's not like this group of retards would understand the difference anyway

It's true, a retard wouldn't understand the difference. Here's an example of such a case.

Although I wouldn't say not knowing this makes you a retard.



I prefer hydrofluoric acid to really liven up the party.

So thanks for that



My favorite one was when he was pissed he lost like $27 overnight in the stock market. "These scumbag brokers...". Even Opie is smart enough to not check his portfolio every night. Ant told Jim he should only check it once every 3 months at most to get an accurate picture of what a stock is doing. Of course Jim wasn't going to listen to reason and instead kept blaming the brokers/bankers for his ineptitude.

You queers will argue about anything.

Fuck off no we dont kike cunt

I loved it when he was GENUINELY angry that when looking for people in studio who did gay shit when they were young, no one stepped forward. He thought they were lying. He couldnt accept the possibility that noone else in the room "experemented"

Yeah this theory is old hat, I learned about it in anthropology and sociology classes. However, the sample sizes for the studies that suggest there is a correlation between homophobia and homosexuality are always too small.

It's pretty much mathematically impossible. At least half of the population is against gay marriage, and half of the population clearly isn't gay. This percentage also would have been much higher in the past and is currently fairly high in most non-Western countries (the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, etc.). For this logic to hold, something like 99% of Saudia Arabia would need to be homosexual. The bulk of all of our ancestors, too. The human race would be extinct if this were true.

Yeah when you consider different cultures and a historical context, it makes the conclusion seem more ridiculous. People see examples of repressed homos that are homophobic and assume or want to prove there is a high correlation. Also, I see why you would use Saudi Arabia as an example but the men wear dresses and enjoy kissing one another.


Maybe Jim is a faggot, who cannot accept himself for it.


I don't want to accuse. simply inquire.

There was an article on Cracked.com (years ago, back when that site was tolerable) that the whole "homophobes are secretly gay" cliché was total horseshit.

Yep. That's the one. This pretty much sums up that website's laugh-free rapid decline in quality:


Of course its a disorder. Doesn't mean you have to hate it. Jimmy gets fucked in the ass by men but because of their clothing he won't admit what he is. That's the real homophobia

I mentioned he enjoys giving men blowjobs and you correctly point out he escapes confessing this because the 'receiver' of his blowjobs was wearing women's clothing and make-up.

This is from Norton, the guy who smashed 'closeted gays' with such a vicious hatred you can well believe it's full of personal issues for him.

He's even tried to claim he has openly admitted it but in review its been cloaked in so much humor that it can actually be called a 'denial' or a dodge, a way to make it seem plausibly a 'character' and comedy bit.

Question: "Jim, I think you have sex with trannies right?"

Jim Norton channeling Groucho Marx "..ehhhh who doesn't love a surprises waga waga... a big fat 8 inchers wacka wackaaa"

So you mean you put that into your mouth. You sucked a guy off? Did you put it in your mouth?

Jim 'Groucho' Norton "..heyaaaa... that and three other places! badum-Cha! wacka wacka.. if ya know what i mean folks "

Surely he cannot bring himself to admit it because, after all, he knows its sick. Its a sexual perversion. A neurotic disorder, a sin, a degenerate act. One of those things or some combination.

That's bullshit, it's not gay if one of the guys is wearing girly clothing. That's why I wear a bra whenever my bull decides to rape me.

That's bullshit, it's not gay if one of the guys is wearing girly clothing

Norton has been asked about that, directly. Asking him to clarify if the prostitute has a penis or a vagina. Norton again cloaks it in so much humor that it can be called a denial:

".. lets just say this.. I like a really big clitoris.. and I mean a big thick 8 inch clit .. if you know whatimeanfolks waggga wackkka!"

again, he cannot simply admit this is a man's genitals. A penis. not a vagina. not a 'magic clitoris'.

i like it when a tranny's dick is much smaller than my own and that thats why I'm straight

What is the point of getting fucked by a tranny with a smaller dick though? You might as well feel it.

What makes you think it's a disorder?

Because nature would 'prefer' humans to breed. A little kink down the line that's all. Some wiring didn't make the right connection.

Interesting thought, but the APP(American Academy of Pediatrics) & the APA (American Physiological Association) disagree with you. They say it's a form of sexual expression. Not to mention that Homosexuality occurs in other animals.

Animals doing something makes it okay for humans.

Considering /u/DennyisLife referenced "nature", it was a relevant point to make.

Maybe you could explain to me what makes homosexuality "not okay" for humans? What exactly is your issue?

just because it's a "disorder" doesn't mean it's not okay. sex is for reproduction. to encourage sex some animals derive pleasure from it. some animals are distracted by pleasure and no longer engage in the ideal activity for the species, but overall no harm is done because that is just one individual among the group.

there are underlying reasons for all the things people and animals do but it doesn't negate the human experience or the fulfillment that derives from an emergent mind creatively using biological processes in unintended way in order to entertain itself.

You've essentially just made my argument. It's common for some animals to engage in homosexual acts here on planet earth. It doesn't deprive homosexuals of living a full life, so the exact opposite of someone living with a disorder. Can you think of a disorder that doesn't inhibit a persons life in some way? Heterosexuals engage in anal sex in huge numbers, what evolutionary purpose does that serve? Are millions of women suffering from a disorder because hey enjoy anal sex? It just doesn't add up

there are many definitions of disorder. it doesn't have to be a life wrecker, it's merely an irregularity.

i would say that anal sex does fall in there. you're deriving pleasure from physiological systems that are intended for another purpose like shitting and the reward sensation of making a big doodie. At least, I'm guessing that's it. I've never really looked into why anal sex feels good to some people. Maybe it's masochism.

Masochism, by the way, would be a disorder that does not inhibit life. But there's a spectrum there. There are people that take it to an extreme and so the clinical definition of disorder comes in.

Disorder in terms of medicine only describes things that DO significantly impact a functioning life, but I'm looking at a softer definition. In medicine, the only reason you would mention a disorder is that it has gotten to a point where it is unhealthy and so must be managed.

We agree that homosexuality doesn't inhibit people in anyway, and it's common among primate species. Also, why would we say that women have a mental disorder for enjoying anal sex? Surely there are far more women who do anal, than there are homosexuals who do. Small segments of people enjoy things that the majority doesn't, that doesn't mean they are suffering from a disorder. I just see zero logic in saying otherwise.

you're saying Mental Disorder. I'm saying mental disorder to the like of one part of the brain activating alongside another part that you wouldn't normally associate together. Harmless, ultimately, but it's the kind of "disorder" that you find in nature and leads to the kind of diversity of actions and emergent behavior that you see exhibited everywhere.

when transcribing DNA, there are tiny mistakes that are disorders that ultimately mean nothing. but a Disorder with a capital D of the type we take note of is one that grows into something life threatening and warrant slapping down an official title on it. So I'm saying there is no Gay Disorder that is a mental illness, but it is an irregularity in biological programming that may or may not serve a purpose. because it really cannot be argued that the only reason we have genitalia is to produce gametes for reproduction. choosing to stick your dick in a tree stump or an ass serves no purpose to that end.

but taking sex out of the picture, i don't think you can describe attraction to another man as a disorder. that seems more like asking where somebody's sense of aesthetics comes from and who the fuck knows?

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Fuck off faggot

Insightful stuff. Defend your opinion, pussy.

Not to mention that Homosexuality occurs in other animals.

So does rape, murder, and coprophagia.

So homosexuality is equal to rape and murder? Also had no idea that being a rapist is a disorder. How can we be locking up rapists? Shouldn't we be treating their disorder?

I'm just saying that "occurs in other animals" isn't exactly the strongest argument when you're talking about mental health.

"Humans are the only species that declare war", that's what this shit reminds me of. You can't judge the behavior of a sapient species by comparing it to the behavior of non-sapient species.

Apes have wars over territory

My fucking cats have war over territory, PETA freaks are emotionally broken nutcases.

So otherwise perfectly functional giraffes who engage is homosexual acts (something like 90% of all giraffe fucking) are actually suffering from a mental disorder? I've yet to have someone cite a credible study or paper defending this view. Any scientific institutions taking this this seriously? Somebody name one

Homosexuality occurring among animals is one of the worst arguments I've ever heard to defend something as normal.

If we used animals as the basis for morality we'd be hitting our neighbors over the head with rocks and eating them.

But if it's a moral issue then how is it a medical disorder? Not being a smart ass but what does morality have to do with a persons genetic makeup?

I'll try this again. Name me a credible institution or study that supports the theory that homosexuality is a disorder. Then we can talk

i dont know that its a disorder but its certainly not the ideal in nature if the end result is designed in such a way where it cant pass on its genetics by normal reproduction

It was considered mental illness in the Western world up until less than 20-30 years ago. It was only changed due to the West becoming more liberal and not for scientific reasons. It's still considered a mental issue in most parts of the world.

They can't breed, if this isn't a dead giveaway that they're flawed I don't know what is.

It was changed after a poll was taken at an annual convention of psychiatrists. The majority agreed that it wasn't a mental disorder.

Hahaha and why are you leaving out the threts and violence made by LGBT activists at that meeting, you pathetic cocksucking faggot? Why do you skip over the fact that public sentiment changed the definition, not science?


Faggots like you were molested as children, coddled throughout life, then grow up to promote molestation as normal - kill yourself and save our country.

Was this the video you wanted me to watch? I can't remember https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0mnGyjYbtWk

I hope you're reminded of how those adults raped you as a child, every day of your life.

Sorry, I only think about it when I'm jerking off.

There are plenty of straight people who can't "breed" ironic you use the term for reproduction in the animal kingdom but dismiss homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom.

That's because they're also flawed, but at least 99.9% of them still have their inner strive to want to breed and reproduce. Meaning it's a physical issue and not a mental

So if you want something but don't carry it out it's not a mental issue. Hmmm so I guess if want same sex partners but don't actually have them you have no mental issue..gotcha

Let me explain this is terms your small mind can understand.

Straight people who can't have children still have their natural strive to have children, the only thing stopping them is physical problems.

Gays can't have children due to their mind not making them attracted to the opposite sex. This is not a problem of their body not allowing it, this is a problem of their mind telling them that keeping their species alive is not a priority.

Straight people who can't have children still have their natural strive to have children, the only thing stopping them is physical problems.

Your aware lots of straight people who can't have children do not strive to have them?

Gays can't have children due to their mind not making them attracted to the opposite sex. This is not a problem of their body not allowing it, this is a problem of their mind telling them that keeping their species alive is not a priority.

Lots of Straight people have minds that tell them that keeping their species alive is not a priority.

Your aware lots of straight people who can't have children do not strive to have them?

They want them, they just know they can't.

Lots of Straight people have minds that tell them that keeping their species alive is not a priority.

Not at all the case, pretty much the only exception to this is the Modern Western World where people are self centered and so overprivileged to the point that they feel taking care of a child would ruin their life.

They want them, they just know they can't.

False. Lots of people don't want kids and are happy they can't have them or even have surgical procedures to make sure they never will.

Not at all the case, pretty much the only exception

If there's an exception you can't say "not at all"

Lots of people, lots of people, lots of people. Learn a new phrase.

False. Lots of people don't want kids and are happy they can't have them or even have surgical procedures to make sure they never will.

This goes back the Western Selfishness I already pointed out.

If there's an exception you can't say "not at all"

Yeah you can.

This goes back the Western Selfishness I already pointed out.

Which consists of lots of people.

Not as many as you may think, but if you put these people into a normal environment they would be far different.

Your comparison is incredibly flawed .

It's like if you said someone who doesn't eat food because they were born without a stomach is the same as someone who doesn't eat food because their mind tells them not to.

yeah, and those straight people that cant breed are defects as well. its a medical condition like gayness that makes them(you) defects.


yeah, and those straight people that cant breed are defects as well. its a medical condition like gayness that makes them(you) defects.

I am straight and can breed. I was speaking of say maybe old people? Old people and gayness are medical conditions..ok got it.

Old people aren't supposed to be reproducing. We're all supposed to be dying around age 40 anyway and ODDLY enough that's around the age were women start becoming unable to produce children without risk of health issues.

Hmm yet we have evolved to live past 40 yet haven't evolved enough to realize being old isn't a medical illness. Gotcha

You're the only moron calling it a mental illness.

"yeah, and those straight people that cant breed are defects as well. its a medical condition like gayness that makes them(you) defects."

I did not say that

I did not say that either.

I didn't say you did..but You did sqy I'm the only moron calling it a mental illness. False. And I was being sarcastic in response to the post I replied to that suggested it was.

in some species of animals the mother eats her own babies, so I dont see how that proves anything. Its common sense, bud. Psychology is a psuedoscience half the time, being gay is anti-life. What do you have a gay dad or something?

How does homosexuality inhibit a person from living a full life? What negative consequences result in people being gay? I just don't buy it

Well, I didn't say anything about a full life, but they are born with something in their heads telling them not to continue the human race. Obviously there is something a bit wrong off about that.

Just because an animals behavior is rare, it doesn't make it a disorder. If there is no abnormality or disturbance of function in that individual, how exactly is it a disorder?

you seem to be caught up on the word disorder. fine. lets settle on "faulty wiring" or "against nature".

How can something be "against nature" if it fucking occurs in nature? What are you talking about?

cancer occurs in nature and is against nature, nature can contain harmful things that are against itself.

Cancer is nature. Nothing that occurs in nature is against nature. Cancer is a natural occurrence here on earth. Is a hurricane against nature? It erodes beaches, and destroys life.

umm, gayness is pretty much against nature, lol, people are born without the instinct to continue the human race. People would be extinct if it wasnt a little odd to be fruity.

Right, so homosexuality naturally occurs in rather small numbers in humans and the species continues to thrive. Perfectly natural occurrence which doesn't negatively affect anyone.

I wouldnt call it "perfectly natural" when the definition of nature is reproduction and survival, lol, but its ok, we'll settle on "faulty wiring".

Not that I agree but I think the whole issue in logical non "fuck you faggot" words would be if everyone were homosexual the human race would die. Life for humans would end naturally as we know it. Not trying to jump on the bandwagon but trying to have a real Convo that uses some fucking actual brain cells instead of just disagree.

AIDS, poopy penis infections, butthole tearing, social ostracism, annoying demeanor, euro-house music.

Stop turning me on

Into POZ parties?

edit: someone else made my point already about what occurs in nature. I couldn't care less about his argument but just hate that line "well it occurs in nature"

Animals rape each other and eat their own shit

Would you say that humans that rape are suffering from a disorder? Maybe we should stop arresting rapists, and start treating their disorder.

I would say that making false equivalencies between humans and animals is strawman argument

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I like the "man is this sub trying to promote transfaggotism as normal" part, as if to say "well amirite or amirite, fellahs?" Needy faggot.

Meanwhile, that very same queer spends all his time posting on video game subs. Yup, nothing more masculine and hetero than obsessing over video games.

Man, conservatives are mentally ill.

Please don't be like them and stoop to their level of generalizing.

they seriously are. its this kind of mentality that bought alot of great people like alan turing and oscar wilde alot of unnecessary suffering.

Obviously they just dont want to come out and offend people, it goes completely against evolution and could literally end millions of years of life if it got too rampant...of course its not right...what makes you not want it to be a disorder so badly? we can allow it but its still weird and messed up

Name me a credible scientific institution or study that concludes that homosexuality is a mental disorder. I'm open minded, let's see some evidence.

I dont think many scientific studies are looking to offend people, it just seems obvious to me. Like pedophilia, they are just attracted to the wrong thing, but since both sides can consent its ok. I mean, the main thing that drives life to exist is evolution and adaptation, and homosexuality goes against that completely. Kind of obvious it wasnt meant to be. Plus its gross as hell.

Lots of homophobia lovin faggots in here

I can't tell if you worded that wrong and meant to say homosexual loving faggots or you're saying you're a faggot because you're homophobic, but the latter would be quite silly.

It's the third option you needy nothing. Lot's of homophobia loving faggots in here DUH

Chairs hinder our natural evolution more than same sex fucking ever will.

Yeah I don't think it's actually hindering it, but it's obviously not a natural part of it

I think giving birth and heterosexual s having anal sex is gross as he'll so are blow jobs and pussy eating...point?

the rest of the comment

I mean, the main thing that drives life to exist is evolution and adaptation


and homosexuality goes against that completely. Kind of obvious it wasnt meant to be.

Wait, I can kinda see why you might think this follows, but it's naive and patently wrong.

Evolution is random. Mutations occur, and mutations that succeed in duplication are propagated, and others die off. Long term this manifests as species acquiring "beneficial" traits while "detrimental" traits are driven out.

Now, there's a really obvious form of duplication we are all familiar with. Procreation. It's so familiar, however, that we tend to overlook that perhaps it isn't the only way!

In many species of insects, notably ants and bees, the vast majority of the species is completely asexual! But the DNA of the bee isn't "broken"! It is perfectly mutated to protect and serve the queen who does have the ability to procreate.

Many people may take these examples and think they are too extremely different from humanity (which is dumb, because evolution is evolution). Namely that A) insects are way different from humans, and B) in these cases the reproduction is physiological impossible, whereas homosexuality is more like a "choice" (pardon, I honestly couldn't think of a better word but I don't mean to say it's a choice, I just mean that all the working parts are present, they just remain unutilized)

For A) the baked mole-rats exhibit a physiological setup extremely similar to ants. One female, and a small number of males do all the reproducing, and the rest of the colony consists of sterile workers. As mammals, you can't ask for much more similar to humans without admitting you're now moving the goalposts.

For B) (as well as A) we turn to everyday rats, who, when experience overpopulation, start producing tons of lesbians! Their innate sexuality is controlled by the needs of the group for the good of the species. Many evolutionists posit that homosexuality in humans may be a form of kin selection. This is sort of the half-way between the rat and the mole-rat (the mole-rat-rat, if you will). The phenomena doesn't emerge from any developmental neutering, but rather seems to develop in the mind, and the purpose is that the individual works to pass on familial (rather than personal) genes by providing resources to his relatives. The hypothesis is that homosexuality first came when resources were scarce and having an extra adult around without the extra children gave a house boost to his close families' ability to keep their kids alive.

So yes, your premise is correct, but your conclusion certainly does not follow.

Plus its gross as hell.

Gotta say, I didn't see this coming.

Being gay is for faggots

Yeah the same flaw happens in animals brains too. I don't hate anyone for it but I don't think it's a choice or 'expression'

Well I would just have to ask what makes you qualified to make that assertion? I wouldn't be tempted to question the APA on their view of psychopaths, so what makes you so confident?

It's pretty obviously not a choice

Sir you're being an ass.

Make me see it your way. Formulate an argument, friend.



It's well understood that 'homosexuality' had always been understood to be a mental disorder. The shrinks themselves made the name 'Homosexuality' to describe a disorder themselves.

In the 1970s a great deal of political pressure was put on them by a kind of 'gay civil rights' movement. This included plenty of reminders they knew which doctors and which family members were gay. This was done by loud street protests, media exposure, legal campaigns.

'Homosexuality' as a disorder was removed.

Not because of new studies. Not because they discovered new information. Not because of new data, new scientific research. Not because a consensus was reached in regards to new submissions, journal articles or any other reason than for political reasons.

This was well-known, well understood to be what happened.

And no, animals aren't having anal and oral sex for pleasure. Nor are two lifelong male friends 'homosexuals'. And practicing and training (example as puppies do) isn't 'homosexuality in dogs' ffs.

But anyways, to the former point. The APA and all these groups don't disagree. They simply removed it as a being a necessary problem.

I just want to remind people of that. Its really easy to find the story of that online too. Political reasons. That is all.

who knew how hard people were on here to go to bat for gayness?

You are absolutely correct in everything you just said. Too bad you got down-voted for hurting some feelings with the truth.


Youtube credible. Hey if u wanna ban people on your publicwatch sub and tell them get help maybe you should answer their question as to where to get help instead of in return blocking the option to message. You wanna call yourself public watch how about help...watching does nothing.

LOL you stupid faggot, "homosexuality" occurring in about 1,000 species out of over 5 million disproves your point even further, then the fact that the closest approximation you can make for faggot behavior is in confused subhuman animals - LOL.

Then I love how you leave out what happened at that meeting to change the definition of mentally ill faggot tranny.

<that meeting to change the definition of mentally ill faggot tranny. I don't have the slightest clue as to what your talking about. Take your medication you fucking lunatic.

Credible YouTube link again.

Ummmmm right. So this video with 9,000 views is your hard evidence? Maybe you could tell me about your credentials, seeing as you feel qualified to disagree with the APA. You sure do sound like an academic, feel free to share all of your knowledge!

Am I allowed to cite the APA before they had a meeting stormed by angry lgbt activists, borderline terrorists? Can we speak in common sense terms that a man who thinks he is a woman is mentally ill and reeling from unhealed traumatic sexual abuse? Can mention that half of trans people attempt or commit suicide, versus 3% of the general population? Can we mention how at least a quarter of them have HIV? How about the fact that mutilating your genitals and ingesting hormones doesn't change your birth sex chromosomes?

But LOL make it about my credentials after you completely ignore a video due to insufficient viewer counts, you disgusting asshurt lisping faggot.

Dr. Libsarefaggots is checking in.

Now you're changing the argument to transsexuals? I haven't said a word about that community. Stay on topic, bud.

You're talking about something not being so because of the APA. I'm showing that all you have is an appeal to apparent authority.

Where are the institutions taking your view seriously? The APA changed the classification of homosexuality after taking a poll at an annual conference. The majority of the Psychiatrists agreed that it wasn't a disorder. How is that political pressure? Individual psychiatrists aren't worried about being politically correct when filling out a poll.

Hahaha you're a pathetic fag, I win. All you have is an appeal to authority that you don't even understand, since accepting how the definition changed shatters your beliefs.

You are completely delusional. You haven't cited one bit of credible evidence to support your claims. I bet you think the "science is still out" on climate change too. How about vaccinations, do they cause autism? Some of us appeal to authority because it's generally the correct course of action. Not all of us believe we are qualified psychiatrists.

LOL you stupid faggot I already gave you a video full of sources but since the view count was only 9,000 you chose to make that your excuse not to consider it.

How about you just name the sources for me. Go ahead and lay out these credible sources. Or send me a link to this research institute (that doesn't involve the word Christian btw) conducting studies that support your view.

Hahaha you are a pathetic faggot. I don't need to prove any of this to you, and society is finally acknowledging how mentally ill you LGBT faggots are.

Still can't do it, huh? Just provide some kind of evidence to support your claims. Calling me a faggot isn't a debate, try again.

No you stupid faggot, I already did, and you literally can't bring yourself to challenge your bullshit beliefs

that vid has only 9,000 views? psssh I won

That's you, faggot.

Name a respected public intellectual who shares your view. Name one. You know that video isn't enough to convince anyone, so let's see some sources. You clearly feel really strongly about this, certainly you would have more than a single YouTube video to back up your assertions. I don't think I'm being unreasonable.

I'm a faggot who is spinning in circles trying to avoid watching a youtube video with answers to all my questions

I hope I can convince others it's about this redditor, not my unwillingness to watch the source that was called for

I am a fucking faggot

Hehe still can't do it. This is fun. Glad to hear you admit that your only evidence is a YouTube video. :)

No you stupid faggot, go back to the beginning, you asked for a source, got one, and you've been plugging your ears and saying "nyaaah nyaaah nyaaah" ever since.

You again try to make appeals to consensus or authority (without stating any) as if your position is correct by default, which it isn't, since you promote pure mental illness. Regardless, Camille Paglia is a respected public intellectual who isn't afraid of speaking the truth when it comes to gay mental illness.

Fuck off you dumb faggot and kill yourself today.

Can we mention how at least a quarter of them have HIV?

What does that have to do with anything? You know how many blacks have hiv? Oh right not relevant.

subhuman animals

Be more redundant.

No, humans are animals, and these ones are below us.

As opposed to the ones that are "above us," you mean?

You should use the word "faggot" some more.

Go back to playing your video games, little faggoty gamer nerd. The last thing some fucking loser playing "pew pew" all day should pretend to be an expert in is sexuality.

projecting this hard

Of course it is. An orgasm contains millions of sperm. Their sole purpose is to find an ovum. Not a piece of corn.

Look its a defect in the targeting system. Defects happen along the way.

Its like a mechanic putting a wiper blade where the aerial should be. You're never going to get music on the radio. Then there's the question of why on earth would my aerial have a rubber lining, whats its function.

Put the penis in the wrong place and you're never getting kids. Then there's the question of what reproductive function does a cock in the ass serve. None.

Jim still gets pleasure on the personal level, because the targeting system says 'you sunk the battleship hurray'....when really he's sunk a civilian vessel. The mechanic still gets paid....when really he made an error.

Take all the fun out of sex and you'll see its just a program that says put this there and fire. If you do I'll make you feel nice.

In one case 9 months later a baby pops out, baby goes on to do the same thing and the saga continues on and on for hundreds and thousands of years.

In the other case all that results is a sudocream purchase and aids. And fabulous interior decor.

I always thought his whole thing is that he does it purely out of the perversion side of it. He gets off on the fact that he's not gay but still fucks guys haha

By that logic Jim should be an insane homophobe.

Funny how it never works the other way...

For most of recorded history, the overwhelming majority of people have been homophobic but I guess they were all secretly repressed homes, right?

This asshole used to be the funniest guy ever.

He used to be Louis CK? :)

Bunch of sphere cucks.


That's not necessarily true, with mental illness there is a rather thin line. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness by mainstream psychologists as recently as the 1990's in Western society. Not really my opinion, I'm for gay rights personally, but to act like it's all black & white is a bit dishonest.

He always does this with outrageous sneering zeal!

Like he just fucking boxed them in and is fuckin SMASHING them with the facts!

And of course the 1st problem is that he is blaming homosexuals for this bad behavior. It's quite a lot like every other libtard on the internet who does that. Accusing homosexuals of almost all the bashing, hatred, anti-gay activity. Apparently homosexuals are fucking horrific bigots to each other!

The next problem is he supposes that its shameful. That's the point of that. To embarrass the critic (a homosexual themselves) into being ashamed, embarrassed, silenced in fear of public humiliation.

and the 3rd problem is that Jim Norton is the worst kind of wormy hypocrite. He loves shaming homosexuals who are won't just 'admit they love sucking cock' and yet..

..he will never apply the same standards to himself. Jim Norton has paid to give oral sex to men. To their penis. He gives them blowjobs. In his choice of words "He loves sucking on a man's cock" and yet he REFUSES TO ADMIT IT.

To be clear: I wouldn't blame anyone for being ashamed of that and avoiding any admissions. But Norton is the one insisting everyone OUGHT to do that and bragging how he does it.. except... on that.

Sounds like he hit a nerve, you peter-pumper!

I truly think it's okay to be gay, but not okay to be a fucking faggot. Hence, my hatred of Perez Hilton and Opie.

Well that's because Nortons a very blatant homosexual but he has yet to admit it so he calls out other people for it.

What, you don't like Pontificating-Jimmy?

If Muhammad Ali wasn't one of your heroes, you're probably an asshole.


If Muhammad Ali wasn't one of your heroes, you're probably an asshole.

ripmuhammadali #needyfaggot



Which means, by Jimmy's logic, Christianity, Judaism and Islam were all actually created by gays. Their continuing 'persecution' of the gays is a kind of Karmic punishment.

Norton and Bob Kelly are fags. They fuck each other. I don't know why they are so scared to just come out of the closet.

no YOUR secretly gay!

Saying "homophobes are really all closet cases" sounds kinda homophobic to me.

Maybe you could explain to me what makes homosexuality "not okay" for humans? What exactly is your issue?

As opposed to the ones that are "above us," you mean?

Where are the institutions taking your view seriously? The APA changed the classification of homosexuality after taking a poll at an annual conference. The majority of the Psychiatrists agreed that it wasn't a disorder. How is that political pressure? Individual psychiatrists aren't worried about being politically correct when filling out a poll.

Considering /u/DennyisLife referenced "nature", it was a relevant point to make.

I can't tell if you worded that wrong and meant to say homosexual loving faggots or you're saying you're a faggot because you're homophobic, but the latter would be quite silly.

cancer occurs in nature and is against nature, nature can contain harmful things that are against itself.

I wouldnt call it "perfectly natural" when the definition of nature is reproduction and survival, lol, but its ok, we'll settle on "faulty wiring".

You're the only moron calling it a mental illness.