Jim harping on the rape thing

20  2016-06-07 by hectorvegas122

You could tell that Jim was really harping on the guy who had sex with a drunk unconscious women to try and ameliorate his own incredible sexual perversion.


Where we at with passed out, behind-the-dumpster finger popping?

I'm not all in I just want a lil' taste. Just a taste tho. sniff

Behind the dumpster, passed out finger poppin? Dassa bessdo...jussa finguren an chillen...




-carp -tuna


How is this bad for the girl? Its not like she was concious... teehee

And nobody brought up Pig Amy raping a poor helpless unconscious man?

I love how that's one of her marquis bits too. If a male comic did that he would be fucking crucified.

It would be sweet if Louis opened a special with that, "this chick was really drunk, so I raped her"

I bet she has to constantly roofy that Ben cunt.

I thought Amy Schumer made fucking unconscious people acceptable.

Huh? Wha happened?

Some guy raped an unconscious girl(s?) behind a dumpster and will face no consequences, because he's a white 'fortunate son' type on the swim team if I'm not mistaken. Just a huge faggot to begin with, then he also apparently rapes women behind dumpsters, which, shit, that's rape rape.

Somehow still sounds like her fault.

The Judge agrees with you.

It's her fault he decided to rape her!

plus the story at no point indicates what she was wearing so that leads me to believe she knew what she was up to

It's like my grandpa used to say, "Above the knees, do as you please"

Is that what he'd say as he was checking you out in your little sailor shorts as a kid?

It's the reasoning he'd use to rationalize lovingly raping my hairless little boy ass every Sunday afternoon

yeah... I miss my youth too

Wish we could turn back time
To de gud ol'e deys.......

The way he sings that lyric makes me want to rape an unconciuous girl behind a dumpster.

He was convicted, dummy. 6 months in jail, 3 year's probation, and he has to be on the registered sexual offender's list for the rest of his life. This is news today because the little raper's father sent the judge a ridiculous fucking letter about how the punishment was too severe, because he can't enjoy grilling rib eye steaks with the raper anymore. No, he really wrote that. There's also a lot opf outrage that he was facing 14 years in prison, the prosecutor wanted 6, and he got six months. Which is fucked up. Not as fucked as his life - which he deserves. He's on the registered sex offender's list, and will never come off it - and that will fuck him up HARD in life.

Good. It warms my heart to see the out of touch actually have to face reality, even if he got off relatively easy. 6 months in jail, probably with constant protection cause he's prize meat. At least he'll be on the registered sex offender's list, cause that's what the fuck he is. This shouldn't be about neckbeard or legbeard narratives. Jocks have been getting off way easy for legitimately damaging shit for too long, just cause they are involved in dead-end sports and have blue eyes. The fuck is with that?


Brown skin gets you better welfare benefits?

Have you seen the dismal state of working class white people lately? Are you aware of crystal meth? Have you ever been inside a Dollar Tree in Oregon on first of the month? If brown people really get more dough, it's not by too much.


He's on the registered sex offender's list, and will never come off it

If you get caught pissing outside you're on that list.

Jesus, really?

Depends on the jurisdiction, but yep.

No, you don't. That's a myth.

No, that's a myth, often spread around by people on the list to not admit what you did. You would have to have a seriously long and obviously perverse history of public urination to be on the list.

Oh thank god

The dad is a fucking retard. The kid fingered a drunk unconscious chick who moments prior was consciously groping and making out with him and left to go home with him. The punishment fits the crime. end of story.

Saying "end of story" doesn't make you right Opie.


Sorry he didnt get a noterized contract with her

Basic consent stuff is difficult for shunned virgins to grasp, I'm sure. That doesn't excuse this fucking impotent trolling though, you dud faggot. Your snark game is weaker than your chaste tongue.

Basic consent stuff... normal people consent or feminist consent?

They're the same thing you retard. No framework of consent allows you to have sex with unconscious people you steaming piece of human fucking shit. Fucking die in a car accident.

Listen and Believe... feminism believes if a girl has consentual sex but changes her mind weeks later, we should prosecute the man. So ya... thers a difference between reality and feminism

No, feminists do not believe that

Mattress girl... remember her?

That has nothing to do with it. Are you stupid?

Why not? She had no problem with the guy or the consentual sex (her email to him after the alleged rape was "when are we gunna have anothrr chill sesh") until 2 friends (ex lovers of the guy) convinced her she was raped

One woman lying does not mean that feminists believe regretted sex is rape. Try again.

Didnt read all the screeds and speeches they gave huh?

I listen to what they have to say. I don't cherry pick retardery from radical extremists from the 70's. I talk to people in the real world. You are lying about what feminists think, and you've probably never spoken to one.

Retard. First of all 'feminism' is an ideological position relating to gender equality and identity, it isn't a set of instructions or rules or whatever retards think it is. Secondly, you are retarded.

Equality? Is that why its FEMINism?

Yes idiot. The central proposition of feminism is that women have the same intrinsic value as men and should be treated as such. This is 'equality'.

This is, of course, something that everyone believes (except ISIS). If you believe that women should be allowed to vote, should have control over their own bodies, should have the same access to opportunities as men etc than you are a feminist, regardless of whether you are male or female. But this is where it gets tricky because 'feminist' isnt the same as 'faggot', so I like to tie up Mrs Nulltor, smack her ass, and power fuck her.

Im glad we had this talk son.

Theres that fucking bullshit. Egalitarianism is NOT feminism. Feminism never adresses mens problems. Dont redefine Feminism because people see its divisive bullshit. Its gaslighting. Feminism is about FEMALES. Egalitarianism is about EVERYBODY

Feminism does address problems faced by men, it's just not the focus because women are the ones who suffer most from sexism. It also addresses problems faced by trans people, gays, racial minorities, etc. It's an equality movement. The fact that you dont understand this tells me you really need to shut the fuck up and crawl back to your paranoid faggot he man woman haters club.

Aha ! Sexism! Got any stats or is it just subjective opinion? All legal rights have been afforded to women. All thats left is trying to even the playing field which is legally even so now its about guilting men. Is manspreading a problem? Is that what equality is?

It's about changing the way society functions, not always about what is technically legal and illegal. It's a cultural movement largely.

By throwing shit at men, screaming about "patriarchy" ... it really doesnt make them look sane. "Patriarchy" is a conspiracy theory

By denying what clearly exists you're just fueling them

Proof? What? The pay gap? No economist agrees its due to sexism. Its due to women choosing different careers than men.

Patriarchy? To that i say angela Merkel, hillary clinton, susan rice, condi rice, margaret thatcher... and so on

A handful of woman leaders does not mean sexism is over

Well a sizable part of it advocates for the abandonment of adversarial courts in favor of replacing it with inquisitory courts in rape cases. (no lawyers, just a judge that investigates and rules on his own) Not to mention eliminating presumption of innocence, right to face your accuser etc.

And those people are stupid and it will never happen. Besides, define "sizeable"

Sizable would be the gender studies faculty at Vasser, holyoke, harvard, yale who get PHDs for writing their thesis on " Fifty Shades of postfeminism: Contextualizing readers’ reflections on the erotic romance series. In E. Levine (ed.) Feeling Feminine: Popular Culture for Women in the Early 21st Century.”

A book that I know for an absolute fact you've never read and took the bibliography info from one of your little mensrights forums.

Nope went to university of missouri site. I do my own reasearch. Mens rights movement is a low iq but understandable reactionary movement i dont agree with

And its a thesis not a book

A thesis which you have almost certainly not read. If you actually read what feminists have to say you wouldn't be so utterly clueless about it.

I think christina hoff-summers, a REAL feminist, is better reading than how twilight impacts teens

Some people get university degrees studying the conductivity of saline solutions in gamma radiation baths...

Some study teen movies...

Christina Hoff Summers is not a feminist. She is a moron and a figurehead for mensrights movements.

Really? Is that her WHOLE career? Seems like she was a well lauded feminist until she disagreed with victimhood culture.

There's no such thing as victimhood culture.

Ok. Your scarlet letter comments proves your facsist tendancy. Are there any other undesirable traits we can persecute people for? Racism is bad. But who decides whos racist. Do you knoe what ghandi called blacks when he visited south africa? Should everything he accomplished for his people be torn down? He said theyre "an undisiplined sub species"

I didn't say every person who has racist views suddenly becomes a horrible irredeemable human being. What you're saying is that a news anchor who represents her company publicly going on facebook and ranting about black people is okay, and nothing should be expected to happen to her professionally.

What you are also saying is that an employee of a company who says racist shit to his co-workers should also be immune from punishment. Your idea of oppression is people being punished for being oppressive to other people. You're out of touch as fuck.

You can call it whatever you want... people know feminism is BS how many women identify as feminist in U.S.? 5 percent?

That's not an argument

You cant guilt men into giving women more legal right than men because you FEEL opressed. The numbers (and non feminist women) say they arnt. Individual sexism will always exist. You cant legislate it away. All you can do is make people legal equals and try to change attitudes.

Right. Changing attitudes is what feminism is about, stupid.

Except they do it by brow beating and guilt tripping and some want legislators to address it with new laws


Feminism never adresses mens problems

You are so stupid its making my face hurt. I give in. You win.

Dont run you coward. Explain to me how feminism is about equality without treating people equal??

Im not scared of you or your massive intellect. I have nothing to gain from continuing this conversation. What im gonna do is get high, make my gf dinner, and then fuck her really hard while quoting Wollstonecraft.

That first sentence was telling... bye

You are fucking stupid and uneducated.

Does feminism fight for equal child care right in divorce? NO Do feminists fight for men when it comes to alimony? No

Yea, it does. The reason mothers are favored in custody fights is because society views them as the caregivers - which is a result of sexism. Get it? This is a problem caused by society's assigned gender roles (which feminists decry) not an evil cabal of women.

Dont bother. Just let him work himself into a froth-mouthed state of rage and adolescent impotence.

It's kind of entertaining to repeatedly shut him down. Getting annoyed with people trying to turn this place into the_donald

Societys assigned roles. Youre full in with this stuff huh? Did you have to take gender studies?

No, I've never taken a gender studies class. I'm just not a tool

Feminism is absolutely an ideology with rules of behavior... if it wasnt they wouldnt call actions people take as sexist, racist etc and tell people to check their privilege


Ok retard, if some dumb bitch says "Check your privilege", that doesnt represent the entirety of either a gender, or an ideology. Its just some dumb bitch saying some dumb bitch shit. Do you understand now?

But they teach this in gender studies. Its a part of feminist curiculum.

"check your privilege" means evaluating your position in society that may give you an advantage in a particular situation. Just because it's annoying doesn't mean it makes no sense you stupid fuck

Right from the book. Gender studies 101. Black people dont have to check anything tho right? Even though in some situations THEY have power over me

They dot have institutional power over you. White people can be the subject of prejudice, however that's not what they mean when they're talking about racism. Racism as defined academically is institutional and systematic

If a black person were to call me a racist, my college life and future career would be in serious jeopardy. Is it true that when someone is accused of racism often they are excoriated and shunned?

No, that is not true. Your life would not be in jeopardy.

Your proof is citing two people who got in trouble at their jobs for saying seriously racist shit? Is your point that there should be no consequences in life for being a racist? What the fuck? Did you even read the articles?

No, i dont persecute people just because someone cries "racist"

You didn't read the articles then

Have you ever said the word nigger or even nigga? If i heard that out of context i might think youre racist.

Yes, and I don't care.

Should they wear a scarlet "R" also? Be careful of rightous causes, they always go too far

How does getting in trouble at work equate with a Scarlett letter?

One infographic=entire ideology

Those are my choices? 'Normal people' and 'feminist'? Ah go fuck ya self.

God damn swanal, remind me to never fuck with you

Don't. I'm very insecure.

Blow me. I believe in weighing both sides. Women arnt eternal victims. 6 months was a proper sentence

No you don't. Why can't neckbeards ever just own up to favoring men? It's fine to favor your own, everybody does it whether openly or not. Especially when all the other 'groups' out there seem to be disgusted by you filthy passive aggressive dopes.

And while you probably don't fit under some umbrella neckbeard label you sir are a dope.

Something tells me you never had an Ex harass and threaten your mom (dead squirrel splayed out on the hood of her car), vandalize you and your friends stuff, cant get anyone to believe you until HER parents had enough and commited her to a loony bin. Most common thing i was told during that fun 11 months? "Just stay away from her dude" I have a restrainig order but i was at fault if she "decided" to go to a local party after i was confirmed present. So no asshole... the system is biased IN FAVOR of women in domestic disputes. Fuck you

Sounds more like you have shitty taste in women, dumb fuck. Cool story.

Well, she was hot. Anyway blow me male feminist

Keep regurgitating buzzwords to nowhere, lonely pile

Have you ever spent time with women? You sound like a male feminist so its probably no. You are sacrificing your free will and masculinity for the low chance she might give you a pity handie

Yeah, I spend with time with women. Try one without the buzzwords.

Im i being too heteronormative for you? Go disrupt a public speech or whatever you kids do

How can such a fawkin homo be heteronormaltive, dat don't make no sense...

Stop your hate speech you white whitey male man. Go check your privilage


What, is this Battleship now? I have to say you missed and count on you believing me? lmfao

White? Why is this a race thing?

Lol. Knight in shining armor

Something is rotten with her.

A. It wasn't just he came across a passed out chick and had his way. (although if you read the news or her written piece that's what you'd assume)

B. She spends a paragraph explaining how she didn't even want to go to a 'dumb' party and how silly it would be, etc. but had nothing better to do. (her guilt framing the setup to the events as tragedy)

C. The guy was drunk as well and during the party was dancing with her, kissed her sister, and apparently was doing other conscious consensual make out stuff with the victim.

D. The victim had a boyfriend where apparently at some point she had promised to provide him with 'rewards' during a phone call that night. (great yes when would somebody get a reward? When you're either doing something wrong and feel the need to give your boyfriend a reward or he did something good to earn a reward - either way she's offering a hole to him as a reward - what does that say about her own self worth -patrice)

E. She claimed to be blacked out for almost the entirety of the party - during some point her sister left and didn't bother looking after her or ensuring she got home okay - why would her sister behave this way?)

F. She willingly left with the defendant.

G. When she came too she did not want to press charges or anything until she saw pictures of herself passed out. (hmmm I might feel a little fucked up if I had to see photos of myself during a blackout binge the night before)

H. She was fingered (okay if she was truly passed out and this guy fingered her while she was passed out then the sentence is just. Was she fingered while she was awake by him too? How far did she go with the guy while she was conscious but blacked out and did she fall asleep during conscious groping/fingering?

None of this has been asked or covered by the media - the events leading to the rape and the degree of their concentual contact. Is it because we live in a culture where women are special and beloved and can do no wrong? She ranted about the questions she was asked by the defense attorney. Okay, but she was blacked out the entire time how is the defendant to get a fair case if the facts are not investigated and presented? Sorry we do not live in a rape culture - are rapists as revered as doctors or teachers? How about fast food workers or garbage men? No. They are the lowest totem on the societal rank even in prison. However, do we live in culture that privileges women and assumes their innocence as default in all situations?

I hate women too but I don't write essays about it. Calm down.

Dont paint him a woman hater just because he doesnt get emotional and attemts to weigh both sides. But whatever. Listen and Believe

He got caught when two guys walked by and saw him trying to rape her unconscious body. What other evidence do you need?

There's nothing "SJW" or "liberal" about thinking fucking an unconscious girl behind a dumpster is wrong.

It's weird when ur not in character

You're shit is blowing up. Don't get doxxed like cis W. M..

You're a OA board fixture.

Thank you man, but I have no life worth doxxing. You can't get blood outta a stone.

dvv dvv dvv

Shut the fuck up you faggot

Dont worry. I still love you

that's your mistake, a good essay or two will really coax out the rage.

It's cool man, we all go through a red pill phase but I didn't read this

Oh no I was black out drunk grabbing tit sucking face and getting my crotch rubbed when I awoke I found out the chick fingered my butt a little bit while I was passed out. This is life changing to me! I'm such a victim. My life is ruined forever.

There it is

What? Hes not a fucking feminist like you?

Yeah, hours earlier the chick was offering a sexual favor to her boyfriend as a reward.

The delicate little flower.

How you're imagining that justifies another person raping her is retardation of a stunning level.

I really wanted to believe there was another angle to this because I'm a little contrarian bitch, but these points are hilarious. "She said she'd reward her boyfriend, fuck that passed out dumpster bitch."

Yes, but why was she offering her boyfriend a sexual reward?

Was it because of the guilt she felt consciously slutting it up with the accused???? THERMITE PAINT MOTHERFUCKER! The swimmer may be a pathetic finger rapist, but that doesn't change the fact that she is a drunk dumpster slut.

Yes, but why was she offering her boyfriend a sexual reward?

Cause it's fun and that's what couples do? Do you think that's something only sluts do? It doesn't seem like the act of a guilty conscience to me.

She was drunk and fucking around with the defendant when she made the call to her boyfriend. That was his reward for her guilt of fucking around drunk with another guy having a blast. It may be anecdotal, but I've seen this shit play out first, second, and third hand on many occasions.

If my chick tried to reward me with pussy I'd lose the little bit of respect for her I have left. Pussy isn't something to be fucking rewarded. If bitches are gonna claim they're sexualized or objectified then they can't give out holes for fucking rewards. That shit is retarded.

Complete nonsense

you are a fucking retard and obviously your cunt girlfriend is too.


It doesnt matter what a girl does Victimhood=godhood

Is it rape if she said yes?

He fingered her pussy. boo hoo. She was fucking around with him and left with him. Was she going home with him to play solitaire? Granted if he started fingering her after she passed out then yes that's rape. But there are degrees of rape and in that case the sentence matches the crime - it's not reason to cry rape culture and victim shaming.

If I'm crossing the street with the light and get hit by a car speeding through a red then I am a victim. If I get hit by a car because I was running through the street trying to touch passing cars I may still be a victim, but to a lesser degree. all rape is not equal.

I'm simply talking about your own obvious, pointless idiocy. This isn't about your little imaginary culture war.


He is passionate about rape, I can't deny that!


Dah-dah-dah i tought dis wuz da place weah truckahs an wifebeatahs can get tagetha and jus be men, ya know?

Really white knight?

Yeah really, guy who not only misses the point but also doesn't know what a white knight is. Just say cuck next time you're trying to be edgy.

Sorry im not up on internet memes nerd. I have a job and a life. Replace white knight with male feminist

Keep fighting your imaginary culture war, brave soldier! Pay no attention to the fact you're simply the equally retarded other side of the SJW coin you despise.

Except i let them talk moron. Free speech is more inportant than feelings

Go throw shit at people you disagree with. Thats what you socialists do when you hear things you dont like, right?

It's not about my little imaginary culture war. She is the one claiming culture war. She drew first blood, not me.

Are you the John Rambo of rape accusations? Shut the fuck up.

Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my rape culture war! OP made this post, I didn't create it! And I did what I had to do to present some facts! But somebody wouldn't answer my questions! And I come back to my inbox and I see all these maggots at this subreddit, protesting me, spitting on me. Calling me red pill and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!

You embarrassed yourself, now you make jokies.


stop trying to be Patrice you colossal faggot

Dude they wont listen. Women are always victims and have no self agency


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This level of frothing at the mouth women hatred is typically the sign of a well adjusted winner

ALL women are victims dude... dont you know?

You'd make a fine rapist some day.

Im not surprised youre against equality of the sexes

I was complimenting you.

Go fuck yourself boy

Did you say this in Chuck from NC's voice?

Its fitting your name is 3stepsbackward being as that your a regressive left anti egalitarianian, anti free speech, gynocentric, socialist self hating child with daddy issues

Dude, the kid raped her. Get therapy.

Allow me to redirect you to r/autism

You do know that he was found guilty, right? That this whole trial happened with lawyers and stuff? I'm willing to bet, now call me crazy, that a lot of this was brought up by this douche's lawyer and no one believed it. So who the hell cares if the media didn't bring it up, the guy is officially a convicted rapist who got off light. Your "unasked questions" won't change that.

What would possess you to write a wall of text on here? Havent you visited this sub before? You were drawing dead after point C.

not sure why we all hate you but ill join in

Gavin and Milo have sullied your soul, my poor boy.

Chill out creeper.

The facts were investigated in a court of law, not the media, dummy.

And so was the verdict and sentencing.

I agree with the sentence.


What do you do for a living, character?

Yes, he was innocently sticking a beer bottle into an unconscious girl behind a dumpster. That's why he ran when two passersby saw him.

Rape apologist and a moron. Nice combo, fuckface.

he wasn't fucking her with a beer bottle you uninformed faggot. This is the problem, you dipshits can't even grasp the facts let alone form an original opinion.

There could be other reasons he ran when he was shouted at and approached by two passersby. He didn't run until one of the guys put him in a headlock and he also screamed for help.

What was that about grasping facts, you sociopath rape-apologist?

"The guy stood up then we saw she wasn't moving still. So we called him out on it. And the guy ran away, my friend Peter chased after him," Arndt said.

You're bringing a girl back to your place, she passes out, you try to fuck her behind a dumpster anyway because that's totally cool, then when asked what the fuck you're doing, you run away and leave her on the concrete. Cool story, bro. Just the way a non-guilty person would react. Your "original opinions" suck.

This is a more full account below. Important to elaborate on the bold? Things the media hasn't cared to explain anything other than the buzz phrases from a derivative victim letter. I've read another account that said he was screaming for help and was first put in a headlock. Just saying something is fishy:

'When he got up we saw that she still wasn't moving at all, so we walked up and asked something like, 'What are you doing?'' Arndt recalled in an interview with the Swedish news outlet Expressen on Tuesday.

The two men spoke briefly with Turner, then 19, before he got spooked and tried to run away. Jonsson chased after him and tackled him to the ground while Arndt stayed with the victim and made sure she was alive. Arndt and Jonsson were biking on campus when they noticed Turner raping the victim behind some dumpsters. Tuner pictured above in a January 2015 mugshot +7

Arndt and Jonsson were biking on campus when they noticed Turner raping the victim behind some dumpsters. Tuner pictured above in a January 2015 mugshot

'She was unconscious. The entire time. I checked her and she didn't move at all,' Arndt said in another interview with CBS News.

It's interesting that you can look back at articles about the case before it hit national news. All of the same info about the case in the articles you read now is there. In fact the older articles usually contain more details. The only info missing from the older articles are the verdict and the letter. Majority of comments on the old articles chastise in complicity their drunken behavior. Same detail of crime different social response. That's interesting enough.

Yeah, something is fishy. It's a whole grand conspiracy against this guy. The girl he was raping while she was unconscious... in on the plot against this poor innocent young hero. The two foreign exchange students... secret agents in the dastardly plot to frame this flower of youth.
He was just innocently trying to fuck a passed-out girl behind a dumpster, as you do, and these monsters confronted him. And then his natural reaction was to abandon the woman whose consent he claimed he had and try to run away. Because he was "spooked". That's just what I'd do if I was bringing a woman back to my place and she passed out. I'd try to fuck her limp body and then abandon her to two total strangers. Again, cool story, bro. Don't chafe your hands on all those straws you're clutching at.

In the environment they were in and at such a high BAC BOTH that innocent girl and guy, those sane, intelligent, empathetic frontal cortex-oriented people are gone, and were replaced by an emotional, hormonal animal that is a danger to itself and society. Lines of consent become blurred especial when hooking up is so dependent on unspoken cues and posturing. Both parties in this story willingly drank to an absurd level and they are reaping the heavy but ordinary consequences of extreme intoxication.

The problem is that the female is removing responsibility for her behavior behind conventional platitudes that comfort society - it works. When you're that intoxicated the superego unravels. She wasn't a victim until she was told in plain clear writing that she was a victim - at that point her unraveled superego colluded in patchwork to fit the narrative it was presented.

This may sound like a bunch of bullshit to you, but her letter, sliver of recollection of events, voice mail to her boyfriend, sobering transition, past behavior, and actions of her siblings and friends provide firm evidence of her true internal conflict.

Dont call him a rape apologist you brainwashed white knight

A. I'll call people whatever I want. Go fuck yourself.
B. Learn your internet memes, son. A white knight jumps in where a woman can see his words, hoping she'll notice him. I kinda doubt the Stanford rape victim browses this sub.
C. He's making up shit and ignoring key facts in order to make excuses for a scumbag rapist. So fuck him. And fuck you.

Thats not nice mam.... if i cant call you a white knight how about a male feminist?

Not really sure why u/TheHoleInPatsTrailer is even here. Reading the comment history you would think he's (she's?) a r/GamerGhazi moderator.

You come across as a complete nutjob, holy shit.

Dude your fighting a losing battle here. Jocks are ALWAYS guilty

Great another high profile rape case now we get to hear Jay Mohrs wife tell him to tweet out about rape culture.

I don't know about you guys but I take all my victims behind dumpsters.

If they resist, you got hard steel to bash thier face into. Then after you rape them, just lift the lid of the dumpter, throw em in, problem solved.

All the pc sjw faggots will tell you it hurts feelings or isn't inclusive or some dumb shit like that.

Jim going out on a limb as usual.

Didn't he fuck an insensible girl one time in that show they used to not be allowed to talk about?

Gotta love all the speculating douchebags who'll defend a guy who fucked a girl in her sleep behind a dumpster. Go jump in front of a train, Stupid.

Well what did she say? What was her part in this?

They were in a relationship!


Nothing, she was unconscious, genius.

so it was like Rawmeo and Jooleyit?

She's ready to travel



Mike Tyson, comment?

If she didn't say no, it wasn't rape. If she did say no, it still wasn't. Go take a shower and stfu.

Woah, edgy.

No you don't. Why can't neckbeards ever just own up to favoring men? It's fine to favor your own, everybody does it whether openly or not. Especially when all the other 'groups' out there seem to be disgusted by you filthy passive aggressive dopes.

And while you probably don't fit under some umbrella neckbeard label you sir are a dope.

Yeah really, guy who not only misses the point but also doesn't know what a white knight is. Just say cuck next time you're trying to be edgy.

What, is this Battleship now? I have to say you missed and count on you believing me? lmfao

Dont worry. I still love you

Why not? She had no problem with the guy or the consentual sex (her email to him after the alleged rape was "when are we gunna have anothrr chill sesh") until 2 friends (ex lovers of the guy) convinced her she was raped

And those people are stupid and it will never happen. Besides, define "sizeable"

You didn't read the articles then