My first Opie and Anthony fan-fiction

0  2016-06-07 by AnthonyCumiaSux

Opie grew up as a gay child. When he was just born, his cock was five feet long. It grew much bigger every second when he was very young. Opie liked to masturbate to The Wiggles, SpongeBob and Duck Tales. His dick got very hard, and much longer. When Opie was the age of five years old, he started his first day of school, with a twenty mile long cock hiding in his pants. He always fucked the kids in the classroom, and splooged on the teacher, and he's destroyed some school propety with his large cock. Things were getting out of control. Opie fucked about 5,000 kids at his school and the kids got all horny and fucked everything in the school, and then they cummed all over eachother and made a swimming pool in their school of cum. When Drew was 10 years old, he liked to poop on his dad all day. In fact, Opie skipped lots of school because he wanted to stick dildos up his ass and poop on his Grandpa all day. When Opie was 11, he got this own computer with the Internet installed. Opie jacked off to Wiggles hentai and Arthur scat porn. He couldn't stop. He couldn't go to sleep for almost a whole week, just sitting there, jacking off to the pornographic Wiggles images on his computer. He couldn't stop! He started getting erections all the time from SpongeBob and Barney, so Drew visited the gay bar twice a day to strip for gay old men, and Drew received lots of money to buy dildos to stick up his ass all day. Opie was a gay stripper for twenty years. When Opie was about thirty-five, he was married with Lynsi Margera. Opie didn't want to be married with a woman, but Opie was tired of men for that period. But then Drew decided to fuck men instead of women, so he raped men every night when Lynsi is sleeping. Opie does not want Lynsi to know he rapes men at nighttime. Sometimes Drew raped Angelica in the ass all day, he said it was oodles of fun, so he did it all the time. Drew entered himself in the Boner Baseball League, and won every boner baseball game. He won the championship of the Boner Baseball League every year. Opie was sent to Barney's Penis World to play the worldwide Boner Baseball Superbowl! He did successful in this superbowl, and he even performed in the halftime show by doing magic tricks with his dick.


no redeeming quality to this

It's been a hot, sweaty New York day for the fat Nagel kid, young "E-Rock", Erik "Sex Bagel" Nagel. After working up a Helman's sweat by pushing a button for 5 hours, he walks out of the office and notices the curtains to the Opie and Anthony studio are closed.

"That's weird," he says out loud, "the show's over for the day." Along with that, Jimmy isn't around; there's no porn whores in the building.

"Something must be up. What's going on in there?" he asks out loud to his co-worker, a flummoxed and angry Danny Ross, who is glued to his phone and yelling incoherently.

"Fuck off, E-Rock, go write some Summerslam fan-fiction. I'm too busy to deal with your shit now." Danny storms off, leaving the Herculean E-Rock in his wake, fresh off receiving his 40th dead rodent in the mail this week, thanks to his murderous psychopath stalker.

Brushing off the abuse and letting out a low sigh, E-Rock walks towards the studio, shaking the walls of SiriusXM. Glass shakes and the floors rattle, with E-Rock twisting the doorknob, beginning to open it up.

"Hmmm... weird, they must still be in there..."

Pushing open the door, E-Rock's jaw drops larger than when he shoved a 2 foot hoagie down his gullet. The sight before him is shocking; world-shaking, even.

"Uhhmm... ungghhh... yeah..."

There, before his eyes, are his heroes. Greg "Opie" Hughes and Anthony "Uncle Paul" Cumia... interlocked, naked and making love. Shocked, both Opie and Anthony are caught off-guard. They quickly struggle, trying to put their clothes back on.

"HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON," shouts Opie, trying to cover his breasts with his left arm.

"We're just uhhh... heh heh... trying to discuss our next contract... heh heh..." hollers Anthony.

"I'm, uh... sorry, I didn't mean to--..." stammers the shocked Nagel lad.

Moving closer to E-Rock, Opie motions for him to shut the door. With a loving embrace, he gently wraps his arm around E-Rock, letting his tits sway in the wind.

"It's okay, E. We're just having some fun," mentions Opie, who closes the door behind E-Rock.

"Yeah, come in. Join us."

E-Rock doesn't know how to react. He has just caught his heroes in a shocking act. If Howard Stern found out about this, he'd have a field day. If Jimmy knew, he'd be jealous. That said, the relaxing massage from Opie stifles those fears.

"Relax. Come on."

"Yeah, come on," Anthony seductively whispers into E-Rock's ear, "Op and I both know you want it. It's what you've always wanted..."

"Well..." E-Rock goes to reply, but Anthony shuts him down by dragging him over to their broadcast table, with a giddy Opie in hot pursuit, rubbing his hands together.

As if he were talking to a child, Anthony pats E-Rock on the rear, grooming him kindly. "You're such a sweet boy, you keep quiet and join us, we'll get you something nice. Like an iPad or a hot dog."

"That does sound good..."

"Good, just like this..."

Out of nowhere, Anthony sticks his lizard-like tongue into E-Rock's mouth. The taste of Bud Light is intoxicating, mixing with the scent of mayo on E-Rock's breath.

"Alright, it's hoagie time!" shouts an excited E-Rock. It's fuck-time.

Anthony lifts the plump Nagel lad up on their broadcasting desk, knocking over a picture of Sue Lightning. He begins pulling off E-Rock's shirt, letting loose two tits of his own and a gelatinous belly.

"Hey Op, you're not the only one with a fine pair of tits. Come here, baby," moans Anthony.

In response, E-Rock, who is being stripped naked, having his pants now ripped off, wraps his legs around Anthony's leathery, naked waist. Opie, not wanting to be outdone, tiptoes across the floor, coming up behind Anthony.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk," groans Opie, "this is going to be buh-rutal."

And is it ever. As Anthony docks his cock with E-Rock, open-mouth kissing him in the process, his 70 year old tongue slipping inside of E-Rock's mouth. Meanwhile, Opie begins to mount Ant from behind.

"I'm all in," quietly whispers Opie, making Anthony slightly grunt, while biting down on E-Rock's bosoms. "I'm all in," he says again, this time a little louder, thrusting harder.

"Unnff--" mouths Anthony, whose mouth is covered in Nagel blubber, his dirty, foreign Italian cock being milked by the Nagel's kid's juicy prick. E-Rock for his efforts, runs his hands through Ant's hair, showing compassion and love, accidentally pulling off a clump of his clown hair.

"Careful," responds Anthony, who is barely being held together by plastic surgery, "those are individually placed follicles."

"I'm all in! I'm all in!" Opie's shouting becomes heavier and louder. "I'm all in! I'm all in! I'm all in with the Cumia asshole!"

There's thrusting, there's fucking, there's groaning. Opie is inside of Anthony. Anthony is inside of E-Rock. E-Rock is kissing Opie. Opie is taking Anthony's testicles in his mouth. E-Rock is eating Opie's asshole. Anthony is sandwiched between E-Rock and Opie, their tits squishing Anthony's horrifying Freddy Krueger face. Everyone's prostate is milked. It's a gay triangle of fucking.

"Don't tell Gavin," Anthony says, while in ecstatic, anal glee.

"Don't tell Snowy," replies the Opster, "or Brother Wease. Or Chris DeStefano and his dad."

E-Rock is now hunched over, taking it in the shitter from Anthony, while blowing Opie.

"HOW DOES IT FEEL, FUCKER?" yells Opie, who has a handful of E-Rock's hair, fucking the lad's face off, while Anthony does his best 10 year old Andrew Dice Gay impression. It's just a neverending onslaught of cum, anal, cum-swapping, milking and ass eating... when suddenly, the door opens again...!

To be continued.


Standing before them is Fez Whatley.

"My God, you guys are fucking faggots," yells Whatley, as he slams the door shut and walks away, leaving E-Rock and his 2 heroes in post-coitus glee.

The end.

I took 3 seconds and skimmed it. 7/10

I hope you don't expect anyone to actually read that malarkey.

Why didn't you use find and replace because there's a drew still in there

Opie is too old to have masterbated to Spongebob. More accurately, he would have jerked off to Steamboat Willy.

Th-that's terrible, I'm sorry


Standing before them is Fez Whatley.

"My God, you guys are fucking faggots," yells Whatley, as he slams the door shut and walks away, leaving E-Rock and his 2 heroes in post-coitus glee.

The end.