Kimbo Slice dead at 42

0  2016-06-07 by TomasGreyhound



Rough week for the UFC. Jim Norton hosting a UFC podcast and now this.

He was great as several gorillas in the movie Congo.

The deep sadness I felt when I realized that you beat me to this joke... :(

My favorite Kimbo moment when he demanded to see his opponent's testicles.

The penultimate fighter of a time where videos were 220 resolution.

When's the last time an astrophysicist made the news with his or her death?

they don't die though

Good night sweet Prince. Two combat sports legend in under a week have passed.

Yep. The greatest of all time, and Muhammad Ali. When will it end?

Hopefully not before Tits meets the pavement at whatever speed his body will reach being tossed out the window by Lindsey and Bam.

"... seconds in a dramatic knockout by some guy we picked up off the street! IT IS ALLLLL OVER!"

Th-that's terrible, I'm sorry.

He was a bullshit fighter anyway who had no business being in the MMA. Got a reputation for beating up bums.

Ya kiddin'!

Here we go! The fight of the milenium this Saturday night at Heaven Arena ! The Battle of Kingdom Come! The Punchfest in Paradise! The Dispute in Dreamland! Only one way to see the show!

You spent that much time and energy typing that for what?

Who cares?