Samcro Tits is "The Presumptive Cunt"

9  2016-06-07 by [deleted]


It's things like this that make me want to go back and read his sad letter to reddit.

What a fucking asshat.

His letter of surrender should be stickied

I must've been shitting; I didn't even know this had happened. So he wrote a letter to this sub?

Ohh Knickers. Always spewing shit one way or another.

I think he is talking about This deleted comment?

Yep good job sleuth!

This is fucking gold

For reference, here's his rambling manifesto:

Holy shit. Same time post down to the second. It's a Ramadan miracle.

If Hillary is elected I hope /u/cbanks420lol reports Joe to the secret service for threatening the president so he lives out the rest of his days in guantanamo.



Can I borrow some moolah haha 🐍🐛🐜

Sure :)

I really hope you're behind 9000 proxies

I don't like Hillary either but I don't understand how he gets himself so upset over her.

Oh my God this guy is so stupid. Why doesn't he have enough sense to shut up. Holy fuck.

Is Joe turning into Bob Kelly? (I'm talking about the pic, not his asinine tweet)

He really is an ugly man. He looks like Schillinger only fatter.

Yeah, he kinda does. Also got kind of a white-trash Mr. Clean look to him as well.

Indeed. I know it must've been said before but he's also one of those weird white skin black features lookin fellas.


I think we can all agree that this family isn't white.

we get it

Did I mention his family isn't white, because his family isn't white.

Tainted blood'll do that!

he also has AIDS.

He's not too far from captain Spalding, either.

Fawk yeahhhh...dvv dvv what the "fuck" is off-him in quotations anyway stupid Fucken greaseball. Offing somebody only has so many meaning you stupid fucken sand nigger camel fucking queer. Right, knickers?

Yes the guy dying from Parkinson and all kinds of shit in a hospital was "offed."

No member of the Cumia family should be allowed to live without mandatory sterilization to kill the awful bloodline.

It would be infuriating to see such an ignoramus talk politics in such a condescending way, if not for the fact that he's such a loser. Remember, he's 60, plays in a cover band, and lampreys off his brother's wallet.

You forgot the fact that he's a Fatty Mcmantits and thinks that he's a biker.

Psychotic morbid talk + calling the presidential nominee a cunt + sniper rifle in your header pic = great idea.

Someone needs to teach this guy how to use quotation marks.

Samcro will never learn, everyone is watching him like they watch Anthony

"everyone" is like 40 losers? I think you have an over inflated sense of their relevance.


What a coincidence...Joe is "The Presumptive Cunt" of "The Compound" during Ant's upcoming stint in "the penal system."


I can't wait until he OD's on meth.

He really is an ugly man. He looks like Schillinger only fatter.

"everyone" is like 40 losers? I think you have an over inflated sense of their relevance.