Mark Normand tells tucker Max's story on O&J without being called out (link was just posted in another thread but thought it deserved its own)

49  2016-06-06 by yakovsdinnertrays


When Soder says, "like Paranormal Activity?" Normand says EXACTLY so fast he definitely was just psyched to get some support. He would've agreed with anything.

I wish Soder had set him up like "oh just like Passion of the Christ."

This sub is comprised of autistic psychologists

This sub is comprised of autistic artistic psychologists

And who the fuck "falls out of a closet" laughing?

I've laughed so hard that I've gone down on one knee, but is it really possible to find something so hilarious you BARGE through an accordion door closet?

That's the biggest red flag of the story. It's a fucking TV Trope.

You've never laughed so hard you shouldered your way through a door and collapsed on the floor? That's almost as lame as never silently videotaping one of your acquaintances fuck a girl in the ass.

From some reason that last sentence really made me laugh.

I was reading OP in an elevator, and I laughed so hard that I fell out of the lift and dropped 112 stories at terminal velocity. I got the whole thing on camera with my phone, but we burned it.

It's a fucking TV trope.

I meant brags through an accordion door

I remember on ykwd, list and others where saying Normand was a pathological lair and he even admits it...

I really can't understand this. Someone below also said "Normand is a self-confessed serial liar."

If he actually admits it himself... why do any of these people listen to his bullshit? How is this just something they casually all talk about, rather than the reason no one tolerates him? Joe List does a fucking podcast with the guy that's based around the two of them telling stories, but both List and Mark claim that Mark is a pathological liar? Am I fucking going crazy? WHY IS THIS OK?

If a pathological liar confesses to being a liar is he lying about that?

He's not loying awrite

If a pigthological liar lies about being a liar, did Fat Amy then conspire to hire a confessed liar to acquire his desire? And do we buy her a fryer to amplify her spare tire though I'd much rather crucify her because we'll have to pry her from fawkin peckahs.

Why even write that comment?

I'm sleepy.

I couldn't agree more I liked Um for a while till I was listening to old ykwd and heard list talking about how he lies all the time and doesn't care..... No wonder Amy uses him as an opener....

I think the "truest" story Mark ever told is still atleast 50% Bullshit.

I bet the real version of this story is that he fucked a fat chick & his friend made fun of him about it afterwards

Link please

It's been said for sure, but these new guys (it's not just Normand w/ this BS)

"But these new guys" what? Were you going somewhere with that?

Chris Destefano has been accused of the same faggery.

Oh, that was the end of his thought. I read it weird I guess.

No you read it correctly, he typed it weird.

Yes I agree, I hope he dies as well.


I did type it weird, lol

No but I did hear both stories separately and saw it discussed earlier on this sub. I guess I was just being polite by saying "accused".

I'm just guessing this is the "banging my friend's mom" story. As I recall: friend's Mom tries to pick him up in her bathroom with the friends downstairs.

O&A: Mom says "eww don't touch me" and friends found out and hate him Bonfire: reads a Penthouse letter from 1998 about a MILF and friends never knew

FKN lol

I thought it was a fucking bit at first! Then there was no pay off, and you can hear Jim, Dan & Opie STARING at Normand like "dude, really?"

Does this dude have an archive of the old "Sex" category from and he just peels off a story for his appearance?

I bet Opie was like fuck yeah dude, awesome bro

Not really. You could hear the sound of distrust. There's a funny bit where he asks "But the guy falling out of the closet?" Mark explains it. You can then hear Jim and Opie snigger at each other.

You can hear Jim and opie looking at each other wondering if either one is going to start the destruction, but then they probably come to the conclusion that Mark wouldn't handle it well so they decide to drop it.

"Is that a... that's a true story?"

"That's something you would keep furr ever."

"but uhhh...I thought that'd be amusing, you guys seem concerned."

Why can't they call him out on it? It's fucking Mark Normand, what is he gonna do - stop coming on the show?

I get the impression that Jimmy takes it easy on these younger dudes...they aren't his friends/peers so he doesn't actually care about what they do, and also perhaps he feels like they can't take it the same way the old crew did

I fear the closest thing we will ever see to mean Jimmy towards a younger comic was when he was briefly annoyed at Destefano for handing that guy a sandwich

I get the impression Jimmy just doesn't give a fuck about the show period.. and who could blame him? He used to do radio with ant, Bobby, Colin, Louis, Patrice !! Now he looks round and sees fuckin sherrod and vic hendley..

I'm tired of people acting like Jim Norton is above this show. He's lucky to have this gig as an open platform to discuss his drafty windows and to document himself succumbing to AIDS.

They are acting like Jim cares about the millennial comics feelings, I bet Jim know these people are going places and he will be waiting for the phone call for train wreck xi cameo

I would not like to be around Vic Hendley, that's for sure.

I Hope They Serve Queers in Hell

He didn't say "Stacy Dash" enough times.

Agreed, I kept forgetting who he was talking about

Stacy Dash.

I agree, Alfre Woodard was the bomb in 'Passion Fish'.

You know downvoting does nothing on google right

It still feels good.

i can picture mark shifting his eyes and gulping while jim is looking at him with a fake smile

Fuck man, you really painted a picture there. I can't get that image out of my head now.

A gunshot might help

He knows who tucker max is, but I guess never heard his fake story.

Which fake story?


Normand is great riffing and sniping in with lines but these stories are just getting embarassing. I don't think he outright makes them up but he obviously exaggerates and adds in wacky details.

Norton coming in with his defeated " that a true story?" as Soder is desperately trying to save the story from completely bombing is great.

ooooof. soder is a good egg and tried to save him but that was rough

This was chillingly bad moment, for Mark, Jimmy, Opie Raqio and overweight whores riding around drunk on late night campus buses everywhere hoping to sit on a limp dick, 'Yats ugly hipster lying face.

He's being called out for it.. a little

He deleted the tweet

What the fuck is wrong with all of these people? Mark Normand had some genuinely funny moments on a few O&J clips linked here, and he was one of the only people to even half-admit that Ant bombed on the roast. It's easy to say that people on this sub hate everything/everyone, but I've actively tried to like this guy for the above reasons. Apparently the problem isn't that we hate everyone, but that everyone is fucking hateable. Put any of these retards in front of a mic long enough and they're bound to prove just how awful they are.

You don't think he fucked his 40/50/60/70 year old professor back in college?

He would tell the story if asked

Real Question: How is this any different than stealing a joke?

Parallel riffin' haaaahhhhh

Can we get the 2 stories side by side please?

You do it

What a load of shit. Also How would they loop the tape? Fucking liar man story isn't even that funny

No it's not that funny. We've all lied to a room of old people though. Sometimes I tell them my life is great and I'm happy. I fucking get them every time with that shit.

Does he think it's endearing to repeatedly say "gal", because it's not.

Everyone in the studio was speaking through grit teeth for a minute. I'm trying to figure out who exactly gave that idiot an escape hatch. It seems like the worm deflected the conversation to VHS tapes and Opie quickly took the opportunity to end the conversation with a break. I hate every single fucking person involved with this show at this point.

Seems like everyone smelled bullshit there for a second. He was getting asked question after question and then they just let it go... if Ant was still there I can't imagine they would have let that go... really wish they would have exposed his phony ass.

I can barely get through this - it's really uncomfortable.

I also believe his prank on the black kid story today was fake.

I like Mark when he's not telling stories. His stand up is good and he was good on LOS but his stories are always uncomfortably fake. It's why I never listened to Tuesday's with Stories despite liking both him and List.

Fucking Normand. Just the worst.

Almost never listen to O&J segments, but am starting to understand what that 867 guy's problem is with Normand. This is cringe worthy shit, and not in a good way.

That just ruined Tuesdays With Stories for me

Jimmy did, but Norm said the same story on one of his first appearances

I don't think this was the story they called Tucker Max out on, but I still have his book, and this is very close to one of his most famous stories, the buttsex one. Ctrl-F "camera" to skip all the bullshit.

Pretty sure it was, but tucker went on to say he puked on her and his mate fell out the closet and then slipped on the puke Edit - ah yeah she shits and then he pukes

lotta missing tapes going on in these storys...........its like, why even have a camera???

I still have his book


There were at least two stories they called TM out on. This was one of them. The question that made it all fall apart: "Where's the tape?" (also asked of Normand)

The other story they called bullshit on:

Question that made it all fall apart: "Was there a police report?"

Isn't this fruit the sweethear of the sub?

Is the time stamp wrong? All I hear is these idiots talking about Muhammad Ali



Maybe this story is the same as Mike Rowe being on a non-existent moped and going on a non-existent chase with the po-lice.

Normand is a self-confessed serial liar.

Told the same story on an episode of LOS with more detail. On that episode he also talks about how he would take home passed out chicks from the drunk bus and rape them. Really wish I could find that clip, stupid Keith.

Said the same on this Mornings OnJ

Lulz... I just heard a similar story on Ari Shaffir septic tank with Bobby Lee (38min+) Bobby was in the closet ""

Those Nekos have a funny timeline

Mark Normand is a liar pure and simple,the guy is still just riding the crest of the wave that comes with people willing to listen to his rambling bullshit.

this guy was trolling. clearly.

I remember hearing tucker on OandA, I was really disappointed to find out that they had his earphones off, what a pussy move. It was funny cause they were calling him out as a liar, I lost a lot of respect that day for the puss move of essentially making fun of someone behind their back.

If you look on Twitter, Normand is liking all the tweets that say he was trolling. He's probably trying to see what it will take to get called out.

If you look on twitter, Normand blanket-likes any mentions of him. Trust me, he's not even reading them.

Thats not the tucker max story.

At the beginning he mentions he had a "Tucker Max guy". I love how he loses steam and talks faster when he realizes no one is responding. This is creepily psychotic. Also Dan Soder contributes nothing.

I really want Mark to be doing these things for us.

Thanks for reposting my thread without actually linking it, prick.


Edit - sorry friendo

no video???? fuck off with your lousy thread

Ick. No video-linking faggot piece of shit.

You guys and your inability to believe that a young, confident, hilarious, semi famous comic on the come up that opens for Amy Schumer and travels the world can easily get laid regularly is the real proof that you're a group of non pussy ass getting niggaz. I'm certain that this dude gets as much pussy as he claims and whenever an autistic thread like this gets posted, all he does is read it and then get an ego boost cause there's grown men out there that just can't believe that another man is capable of this. It's like being accused of doing steroids when you don't. You just laugh at the person and thank them for the compliment

tell me more about how you imagine his sex life, faggot

We all know what pussy magnets middle aged Tool fans are.


The guy outright named Tucker Max and jacked the most ridiculous element of one of his stories are you havin a laff

It's not that, some of his stories are nostalgic (for me as an audiophile)

The story today, like the first time he said it, clicked with the T Max story...

Everyone has weird stories but if you hear a fake one, all the rest follow...

You misspelled pedophile.

Of course he gets pussy, he name drops every chance he gets and puts his talk show appearances on tinder. Are we supposed to be impressed that he gets laid when his opening line is "I open for Schumer"?

you're right, this sub is loserville


I did type it weird, lol

Fuck man, you really painted a picture there. I can't get that image out of my head now.

I'm tired of people acting like Jim Norton is above this show. He's lucky to have this gig as an open platform to discuss his drafty windows and to document himself succumbing to AIDS.

I would not like to be around Vic Hendley, that's for sure.