Samcro Joe is just silly

4  2016-06-06 by [deleted]


As someone said in a different thread, it must be exhausting to be BroJoe.

Constantly angered by the slightest political things, not understanding anything and getting enraged by his lack of intellect and fear of being marginalized, he lashes out at any and everything that runs the slightest bit counter to his lifestyle.

It's funny when you consider how much he talks about the anger in the black community and how much he rails against welfare and medicare. Meanwhile he's an angry man who lives off of handouts. GED-level education, hasn't voted in 40 years, but now suddenly he's politically active because a reality show billionaire caricature of sleaze and arrogance is involved. Finally someone for BroJoe to wrap his cro-magnon brain around.

SHITLORD underscore CUNTDICK manages to speak some ridiculous truth. Damn!

Not to mention, he, and many people, have a very unrealistic expectation of a potential Trump presidency. I'm personally ambivalent to the guy, but Trump supporters like Joe seem to honestly believe that once he gets elected, the SJWs are going to vanish, the wall will be built, etc. Which brings up an issue that I see on the Bernie/Hilary side as well: the executive branch is not as powerful as people think, and even the best candidate won't be able to deliver on most of their promises. Government doesn't work like a business, you really can't do shit without congressional approval. If people want to vote for Trump, that's fine--I get why people like him, but he can't realistically do everything he says he'll do. Its just not how things work, (and that goes to the expectations of Democrat supporters as well).

If Trump loses, we should up the ante and deport everyone that voted for him to Uganda.

Make Uganda Barely Habitable Again!

I generally agree with you on the limited role of the executive branch, but mostly for domestic policy issues. That is where the procedural gridlock plays a role. But when it comes to foreign policy, and specifically starting and waging wars around the world our current president and his predecessor have expanded those executive powers massively.
Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has extra judicially drone-murdered American citizens in foreign neutral nations, and the Congress has zero say in these matters any more.
That's what scares me about both Trump and Hillary presidencies--I don't trust either one of them not to continue this trend, or worse.

True, the scope of executive orders has always been rather ambiguous, and presidential authority on foreign policy has greatly expanded in the post-WW2 era (mainly because of Cold War politics--a.k.a the US and USSR's pissing contest). With Trump's temper-tantrums and lack of any concrete political knowledge, along with the Clinton family's conniving political tendencies, neither of them are trustworthy in regards to the use of the military.

However, the one caveat that does legitimately limit the executive branch on the use of the military is that congress is in charge of the federal budget. This is why, even though the US has not had a formal declaration of war since WW2, major foreign engagements (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) still need congressional approval. Even in the case of Obama's egregious use of drones, he is still limited by the prescribed federal budget. So, for those concerned about Trump starting WW3, relax. He, (and Hilary for that matter), can still do fucked up shit--but you can't really start a major war if you can't pay for it.

Great point. Most of Trump's proposals will instantly die in a hostile Congress, and rightly so. But, Trump freaking out and waging a limited war, or god forbid using these new small scale tactical nuclear missiles, is entirely possible. Obama and W. Bush have every year since 2002 increased the defense budget and more importantly increased the executive authority to wage war, in my mind unethically and unconstitutionally.

So I agree in principle, but these days waging war and mayhem around the globe is a small built in slice of the Federal budget, that any given president can deploy willy nilly.

Yeah, the fact the the US is the only real superpower left, now that the USSR is no more, gives any of our leaders leeway to abuse that status.

So if he does get elected, what would he have to do to build a wall?

the most blatantly ignored criminal in history, HILLARY CLINTON

I dunno about that one Joe. I don't like her either, but that dubious honor still belongs to Henry Kissinger, (just ask East Timor). Pope Pius XII is also in the running.

I hate when an idiot like Joe is parroting a good point. Hillary is evil as fuck and the media is afraid to even mention anything about it, for some reason. It's not that hard to google all the shit she did, but the scary thing is how she's able to get away with all of them and still be loved by half the population (for doing what?).

I would have said Mao for killing 50 million people

The criteria is those blatantly ignored. Mao's pretty much acknowledged as a piece of shit across the board.

He's a regular Frederick Douglass with his words, just minus the Frederick and Dougl.

Being a mulatto is the only thing they have in common.

I don't appreciate this type of clever word play.

His writing style is fucking infuriating.

He peppers his poorly constructed sentences with complex words, words that are way beyond his actual intellect. It's like a retard who knows how to use a thesaurus - but, he doesn't actually choose the correct word.

Loves the word "eloquently"....he was so proud of Ant being more eloquent than the other people in rehab. It is so hard not to despise this shit-person.

Stop giving this dumb old faggot attention

are biased, prejudicial, hate mongers and IGNORANT where all things Trump are concerned

Not only does he badly parrot things from his 'side', his pea brain can't process what the other side says to him either so he just projectile vomits a "not me, u!" without even realizing it.

he writes like he's rough drafting ad copy

From the comments: "Smart people come in all colors. So do stupid people. What do you call people who are anti-stupid? Intelligist?"

You'll never find out, Hugh.

He writes like Scorch

Why dont we just leave up a permanent link to Joe's facebook if were really gonna get this shitty post every time he says something?


doesnt matter

I agree. Grammar, proper word usage and logic are all worthless tools when defending Brother Joe.

who is defending brother joe?