Did Anthony really break that law? *sniff*

8  2016-06-06 by [deleted]



His daughters are cute.

Oooo, is that a K98k in pic 3? Nice.

I want a sexy nazi chick to interrogate me and crush my jew balls.


That's a huge jaw.


Yes, jaw. You could use that jaw like a shovel.

Just saying my attention is drawn to her bubbs first

Me too, but then I had to take a gander at the face afterward, and goddamn. That bitch could probably take a punch.

Sounds like a perfect date for Anthony

Yeah, I'd let her turn my skin into a lampshade, ifyaknowwhatImean!

That last one was vurry good sniff

It's like he's an expert at it

In NY it's technically illegal for someone without a pistol permit to even hold a pistol but there is no permit for long guns. Anyone can handle one

Do you need a permit to handle double guns?

You need one to handle a GIANT fukkin Peckah!

Yeah, I mean he was talking about in NYC it's illegal but whatever. The little girls in those pictures are operating within the law.

Plus, if those were all at the compound, then NYC law has nothing to do with it.

Who the third girl?

anthony's transsexual friend sue lightning

Dassa bess doe jussa chill and fuckin that tranny ass.

I got some bad news for ya buddy

Girl? Ha!

That's Sue Lightning, the dude with breast implants who all the "straight" guys around here like to slobber over.

A for effort, but yeah, it's legal.

Loaded even?

twitter account suspended.