Maddox & Dick Masterson's podcast The Biggest Problem In The Universe is going through their own Opie vs Anthony style breakup. Maddox fires his cohost.

11  2016-06-05 by [deleted]


I believe it. I don't think it's a ruse to generate drama. For the first time in his career Maddox got mocked hard by his own fans. We've all seen the tipping point where a comedian thinks they can take a joke because their fans roast them affectionately, to then being mocked mercilessly by an ex fan. They all hate it. Cumia, Metzger, Norton, etc.

He seems to be unravelling.

Maddox thrived when he curated his own little fiefdom where he could present himself as a badass manly man rather than a whiny neurotic computer programmer and selectively choose hate mail from nine year olds to carefully tear apart. Just like his friend Tucker Max, once he was given a microphone and placed next to people who could call him out it became abundantly clear just how full of shit he actually is.

Once he started making YouTube videos his unvarnished aura of unadulterated faggotry could be veiled no longer by blocks of macho gainsboro grey text and arbitrary revulsion, amirite my dudes???

I remember when he would brag about how his website got more monthly views than the McDonalds corporate site as if that meant anything.

This sub gets more than that.

Even worse, he made this claim back before smartphones and apps where the McDonalds site was just company info and history, maybe a broad overview of their menu. This is back in the Napster days, so who the fuck would even go to it? He's always been retarded.


Just like his friend Tucker Max, once he was given a microphone and placed next to people who could call him out it became abundantly clear just how full of shit he actually is.

I'm not defending Maddox, who I sometimes like and other times don't, but Maddox's brand of "I am the greatest badass of all time" self promoting stuff is a LOT more tongue-in-cheek than Tucker Max's college boy late night drunk "Dude I swear to GOD" stories.

The supreme badass persona was always a schtick, but he does seem to think of himself as more educated and intelligent than he really is. Maddox's attempts to debate or discuss topics out of his scope live just highlighted how little he knows what he's talking about.

Imagine if they continued the show, and now Dick can always have "cuck" chambered and ready to go. I dont think the Turk rapebaby could deal with it.

Maddox literally made a T-shirt that says "cuck" on it. What a goof.

Did you actually watch it? Because the shit he said is absolutely right. That word is unoriginal, annoying and only used by faggots on the internet.

Did you actually watch it? It starts off making fun of the word cuck then goes into a rant about how watching another man fuck your wife is the same as watching porn. According to him masturbating is sadder than sharing your significant with another person while you sit in the corner jerking it.

Holy shit, you really are autistic. Y'know whats sadder than both of those things? Sitting in a room, alone, anonymously trolling people on Twitter. Every fucking day.

Are you a cuckold or something? You're fucking gross, dude.

It's like the you were born out of 2007 era 4Chan

It's interesting how you'll get your niggers in a twist over someone saying "cuck" cause it's unoriginal and uninteresting, but there you go saying "autistic" and making a fucking 4chan reference.

Watching your wife get fucked is actually sadder than posting anonymously on Twitter.


Is it unoriginal? A year ago nobody was saying cuck. Now it's ubiquitous.

I thought it was the white guy replacement for faggot, so you could call someone a weak male without trying to explain howvits not meant as homophobic.

Like how black guys started really using fuck boi around the same time.

Yes, if everyone is saying it, it's unoriginal

"It's not even that I dont want to listen to them without Dick, its the fact that Maddox could create an extremely popular show, cut out his other half that made the show so popular, and then act like its his show and his show only and that no one but him deserves to know what happened."

Deja vu

ME: sniff I fuckin' fought for Dick Masterson with management, PERIOD. For Dick to say I didn't do right by him is COMPLETELY ridiculous! Podcast Management we VURRY VURRY angry with Dick for a long time. PERIOD. They didn't like all the men's right talk week after week after week.


Maddox's popularity existed before that podcast though. He didn't go from Maddox's Nighttime Attitude to nationwide broadcasts. He hired a dude to do a podcast who ended up being funnier than him and got pissy.

I don't know why I'm making this argument because either way he's a big fag.

Keith, it's time you go out to lunch with this Masterson guy.


Again - why the fuck has Maddox been discussed on here so much over the last month? This nigga hasn't been relevant since 9/11

September of 2011? That's not too long ago.

Yeah, he must be about 45 at this stage

I just read that entire post and have no idea what the fuck it's talking about. Is this what regular Reddit users felt like when the Anthon drama hit the main page?

Are you too old or too young to remember The Best Page in the Universe? It was right around the same time ebaumsworld, YTMND, New Grounds, and MySpace were big.

I remember reading a couple. I never found the angry ranting blogger thing funny. I take it this that same guy? I guess everyone does really have their own podcast now.

I haven't laughed since ding ding here comes the shitmobile.

Any funny thing Maddox ever said or good point he ever made was greatly outweighed by how much of a tryhard douchebag he was. Years ago my friend kept talking about him and thought he was the greatest thing ever and I just couldn't get past how obnoxious he was.

This is the first I've heard that he is friends with Tucker Max, but that doesn't shock me even slightly. Tucker is another phony lying sack of shit who was exposed as such. I imagine that he and Maddox fuck each other but convince themselves that it isn't gay because [insert insane rant here]. Just like it's not the saddest thing in the world to watch another man fuck your wife. I remember someone outing Maddox as being actually gay many years ago and that was the last I heard of him until now. This sub really has quite the knack for unearthing useless shit that died years ago.

Who? Seriously

That whole post just reminded me that I should go outside more often.

Jesus, I can't believe Maddox is still around. Or that anyone listened to his shit over the age of 15.

He sounds so much like LAzlow

It was a legit good show. Without Dick I'm not sure it will be worth listening to.

I've never heard of either of these gentlemen.

Dick Masterson on Dr. Phil:

Ok, now I remember this guy. I take back my unfair criticism of the fine, upstanding young man.

before today i hadn't been to maddox's website since 2004. it's weird to see him not fat and unfunny. and youtube videos? nuts to that.


It's interesting how you'll get your niggers in a twist over someone saying "cuck" cause it's unoriginal and uninteresting, but there you go saying "autistic" and making a fucking 4chan reference.