Lady Di

11  2016-06-05 by littlepeteferguson

Anyone know anything about alcohol induced dementia? Could she come back from it or is she completely fucked? She was a fucking disaster but I never wanted to see anything horrible happen to her. If I remember correctly I think Dr. Steve actually warned her about this possibly happening. It really bums me out.


She's fucked. Wet-brain.

As far as radio goes, she's living in a much better world than all of us.

She's done, her drinking finally caught up with her as far as i know. Her son asked O&J not to put her on again since she's so gone.

Yes, let's not ruin the dignity of Lady Di.

She's a national treasure!

Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

ME: Yeah...I thought she had that...she'd been coughing a lot lately.

It began as a smoother cough but now it's a Korsakoff.

Fuckin home run, chippa! !


Very soon I hope they're calling it Orbani-Cumia Syndrome.

Dementia is from your brain shrinking like a raisin. No coming back.

Anyone have a clip of the last time she was on?

You're doing the Lord's work

There was a caller who pinpointed exactly what happened to her


of course tits thinks lady di has 'korsa cough' syndrome.

She's so far gone her son won't give out updates now and has been tweeting about being sober for Jesus in the small hours.

Don't say her name, we don't want her to come back.

Irresponsible her entire fucking life... didn't give a shit about her son, and now he has to take care of her? fuck.

I thought she was a hilarious on the radio. I wish her well.